Forgotten Realms

Realms Helps Site Map - Monsters

Realms Helps Index

  Creature Type Source
1 Aarakocra Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2 Aasimar Outsider Monster Manual
3 Aballin Ooze Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
4 Abeil, Queen Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
5 Abeil, Soldier Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
6 Abeil, Vassal Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
7 Abishai, Black Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
Fiendish Codex II
8 Abishai, Blue Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
Fiendish Codex II
9 Abishai, Green Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
Fiendish Codex II
10 Abishai, Red Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
Fiendish Codex II
11 Abishai, White Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
Fiendish Codex II
12 Aboleth Aberration Monster Manual
13 Aboleth Mage* Aberration Web
14 Abomination, Anaxim Construct Epic Level Handbook
15 Abomination, Atropal Undead Epic Level Handbook
16 Abomination, Chichimec Outsider Epic Level Handbook
17 Abomination, Dream Larva Outsider Epic Level Handbook
18 Abomination, Hecatoncheires Outsider Epic Level Handbook
19 Abomination, Infernal Outsider Epic Level Handbook
20 Abomination, Phaethon Outsider Epic Level Handbook
21 Abomination, Phane Outsider Epic Level Handbook
22 Abomination, Xixecal Outsider Epic Level Handbook
23 Abrian Magical Beast Fiend Folio
24 Abyssal Dire Rat* Magical Beast Monster Manual (3E)
25 Abyssal Eviscerator Outsider Miniatures Handbook
26 Abyssal Ghoul Undead Fiend Folio
27 Abyssal Maw Outsider Monster Manual II
28 Abyssal Ravager Outsider Monster Manual II
29 Abyssal Skulker Outsider Monster Manual II
30 Achaierai Outsider Monster Manual
31 Acidborn Shark, Large* Magical Beast Dungeonscape
32 Adherer Aberration Converted
33 Advespa Outsider Monster Manual II
34 Aerial Servant Elemental Converted
35 Afflicted 5th-Level Human Fighter* Humanoid Dragon #315
36 Ahuizotl Aberration Fiend Folio
37 Air Gen Outsider Dragon #316
38 Akleu Outsider Dragon #348
39 Alaghi Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
40 Alastor The Grim (Executioner of Hell) Outsider Converted
41 Albatross Animal Stormwrack
42 Algoid Plant Converted
43 Alkilith Outsider Fiend Folio
44 All-Consuming Hunger Undead Underdark
45 Allip Undead Monster Manual
46 Allosaurus Animal Monster Manual II
47 Alu-demon Outsider Converted
48 Amnizu Outsider Fiendish Codex II
Monster Manual II
49 Amoebic Crawler Ooze Dragon #330
50 Amphisbaena Magical Beast Serpent Kingdoms
51 Amphisbaena, Immature Magical Beast Converted
52 Anatotitan Animal Converted
53 Anchisaurus Animal Converted
54 Androsphinx Magical Beast Monster Manual
55 Angel of Decay Undead Libris Mortis
56 Anguillian Aberration Stormwrack
57 Animated Object, Colossal Construct Monster Manual
58 Animated Object, Fine Construct Dragon #341
59 Animated Object, Gargantuan Construct Monster Manual
60 Animated Object, Huge Construct Monster Manual
61 Animated Object, Large Construct Monster Manual
62 Animated Object, Medium Construct Monster Manual
63 Animated Object, Small Construct Monster Manual
64 Animated Object, Tiny Construct Monster Manual
65 Ankashar Outsider Dragon #341
66 Ankheg Magical Beast Monster Manual
67 Ankheg, Huge Magical Beast Converted
68 Ankylosaurus Animal Monster Manual II
69 Ankylosaurus, Cave Animal Miniatures Handbook
70 Annihilator Aberration Underdark
71 Annis Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
72 Antelope Animal Converted
73 Ant Lion Vermin Converted
74 Anzu Outsider Dragon #329
75 Aoa Droplet Outsider Fiend Folio
76 Aoa Sphere Outsider Fiend Folio
77 Ape Animal Monster Manual
78 Ape, War Animal Dragon #292
79 Apocalypse Frog Swarm Magical Beast Book of Exalted Deeds
80 Apparition Undead Converted
81 Arachnoid Gray Render* Aberration City of the Spider Queen
82 Arachnoid Mouther* Aberration Underdark
83 Aracholoth Aberration Dragon #298
84 Aranea Magical Beast Monster Manual
85 Aratha Vermin Converted
86 Arcanaloth Outsider Monster Manual II
87 Archdragon, Young Adult Red Evil* Dragon Dragon #321
88 Archelon Animal Stormwrack
89 Archer Bush Plant Converted
90 Archon, Hound Outsider Monster Manual
91 Archon, Hound Hero* Outsider Web
92 Archon, Lantern Outsider Monster Manual
93 Archon, Trumpet Outsider Monster Manual
94 Archon, Word Outsider Tome of Magic
95 Arctic Cat Magical Beast Web
96 Arctic Cat, Advanced Magical Beast Web
97 Arctic Cat, Very Advanced Magical Beast Web
98 Arctine Elemental Complete Psionic
99 Argent Spider, Gargantuan Vermin Web
100 Argent Spider, Huge Vermin Web
101 Argent Spider, Large Vermin Web
102 Argent Spider, Medium Vermin Web
103 Argent Spider, Small Vermin Web
104 Argent Spider, Tiny Vermin Web
105 Armand Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
106 Armand Warden Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
107 Armanite Outsider Manual of the Planes
Fiendish Codex I
108 Arrowhawk, Adult Outsider Monster Manual
109 Arrowhawk, Elder Outsider Monster Manual
110 Arrowhawk, Juvenile Outsider Monster Manual
111 Asabi Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
112 Asabi Stingtail Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
113 Asag Outsider Dragon #334
114 Asassin Devil (Dogai) Outsider Fiendish Codex II
115 Ascomoid Plant Dungeonscape
116 Ashen Husk Undead Sandstorm
117 Asherati Humanoid Sandstorm
118 Ashworm Magical Beast Sandstorm
119 Ash Rat Magical Beast Monster Manual II
120 Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
121 Aspect of Asmodeus Outsider Fiendish Codex II
122 Aspect of Baalzebul Outsider Fiendish Codex II
123 Aspect of Bahamut Dragon Miniatures Handbook
124 Aspect of Baphomet Outsider Web enhancement
Dragon #341
125 Aspect of Bel Outsider Fiendish Codex II
126 Aspect of Belial Outsider Fiendish Codex II
127 Aspect of Dagon Outsider Web enhancement
128 Aspect of Demogorgon Outsider Web enhancement
129 Aspect of Dispater Outsider Fiendish Codex II
130 Aspect of Fierna Outsider Fiendish Codex II
131 Aspect of Fraz-Urb'luu Outsider Web enhancement
Dragon #333
132 Aspect of Glasya Outsider Fiendish Codex II
133 Aspect of Hextor Outsider Miniatures Handbook
134 Aspect of Juiblex Outsider Web enhancement
135 Aspect of Kord Outsider Miniatures Handbook
136 Aspect of Kostchtchie Outsider Web enhancement
137 Aspect of Levistus Outsider Fiendish Codex II
138 Aspect of Lolth Outsider Miniatures Handbook
139 Aspect of Malcanthet Outsider Web enhancement
140 Aspect of Mammon Outsider Fiendish Codex II
141 Aspect of Mephistopheles Outsider Fiendish Codex II
142 Aspect of Nerull Outsider Miniatures Handbook
143 Aspect of Orcus Outsider Web enhancement
144 Aspect of Pale Night Outsider Web enhancement
145 Aspect of Pazuzu Outsider Web enhancement
Dragon #329
146 Aspect of Tiamat Dragon Miniatures Handbook
147 Aspect of Vecna Undead Miniatures Handbook
148 Aspect of Zuggtmoy Outsider Web enhancement
Dragon #337
149 Asperi Magical Beast Monster Manual II
150 Assassin Bug Vermin Web
151 Assassin Vine Plant Monster Manual
152 Astral Construct, 1st-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
153 Astral Construct, 2nd-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
154 Astral Construct, 3rd-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
155 Astral Construct, 4th-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
156 Astral Construct, 5th-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
157 Astral Construct, 6th-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
158 Astral Construct, 7th-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
159 Astral Construct, 8th-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
160 Astral Construct, 9th-Level Construct Psionics Handbook
161 Astral Deva Outsider Monster Manual
162 Astral Dreadnought Outsider Manual of the Planes
163 Astral Stalker Outsider Monster Manual III
164 Asura Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
165 Athach Aberration Monster Manual
166 Atomie Fey Converted
167 Atropal Scion Undead Libris Mortis
168 Aurumach (Rilmani) Outsider Fiend Folio
169 Aurumvorax Magical Beast Web
170 Automaton, Hammerer Construct Monster Manual II
171 Automaton, Pulverizer Construct Monster Manual II
172 Avalancher Magical Beast Monster Manual III
173 Aventi Sergeant Humanoid Stormwrack
174 Aventi Warrior Humanoid Stormwrack
175 Avolakia Aberration Monster Manual II
176 Avoral Outsider Monster Manual
177 Axebeak Animal Arms and Equipment Guide
178 Ayperobos Swarm Outsider Fiendish Codex II
179 Azer Outsider Monster Manual
180 Azmyth Magical Beast Converted
181 Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
182 Babau Outsider Monster Manual
183 Baboon Animal Monster Manual
184 Bacchae Outsider Fiend Folio
185 Badger Animal Monster Manual
186 Bael (Duke of Hell) Outsider Converted
187 Bajang Fey Oriental Adventures
188 Bakemono Humanoid Oriental Adventures
189 Balhannoth Aberration Monster Manual IV
190 Balor Outsider Monster Manual
191 Baluchitherium Animal Converted
192 Banedead Undead Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
193 Baneguard Undead Lost Empires of Faerûn
194 Banelar Magical Beast Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
195 Banshee Undead Monster Manual II
196 Baphitaur Outsider Underdark
197 Baphomet, Prince of Beasts Outsider Dragon #341
Fiendish Codex I
198 Bar-Lgura Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
199 Barautha Dragon Dragon #284
200 Barbazu (Bearded Devil) Outsider Monster Manual
201 Barghest Outsider Monster Manual
202 Barghest, Greater Outsider Monster Manual
203 Bariaur Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
204 Bariaur Defender of Ysgard Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
205 Barracuda Animal Stormwrack
206 Basidirond Plant Dragon #337
207 Basilisk Magical Beast Monster Manual
208 Basilisk, Greater Magical Beast Monster Manual
209 Basilisk, Greater, Abyssal Outsider Monster Manual
210 Bat Animal Monster Manual
211 Battlebriar Plant Monster Manual III
212 Battleloth, Arrow Outsider Dragon #306
213 Battleloth, Axe Outsider Dragon #306
214 Battleloth, Crossbow Outsider Dragon #306
215 Battleloth, Pick Outsider Dragon #306
216 Battleloth, Spiked Chain Outsider Dragon #306
217 Battleloth, Sword Outsider Dragon #306
218 Battle Horror Construct Lost Empires of Faerûn
219 Battle Intellect Devourer Aberration Dragon #303
220 Bazim-Gorag the Firebringer Outsider Champions of Ruin
221 Beacon Moth Magical Beast Dragon #322
222 Bear, Black Animal Monster Manual
223 Bear, Brown Animal Monster Manual
224 Bear, Cave Animal Converted
225 Bear, Polar Animal Monster Manual
226 Bearhound Magical Beast Monster Manual III
227 Beastmen Humanoid Converted
228 Beastwraith Undead Dragon #357
229 Beast of Malar, Bat Form Magical Beast Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
230 Beast of Malar, Claw Slayer Form Magical Beast Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
231 Beast of Malar, Hunting Panther Form Magical Beast Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
232 Beaver Animal Converted
233 Bebilith Outsider Monster Manual
234 Bee, Big Vermin Converted
235 Beetle, Devastation Vermin Epic Level Handbook
236 Beetle, Knell Vermin Monster Manual III
237 Beetle, Knell, Lesser Vermin Monster Manual III
238 Bee Swarm Vermin Converted
239 Beguiler Magical Beast Shining South
240 Behir Magical Beast Monster Manual
241 Behir, Halruaan Magical Beast Shining South
242 Behir, Ooze Element* Elemental Dragon #347
243 Beholder Aberration Monster Manual
244 Beholder, Bleeder Aberration Dragon #59
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
245 Beholder, Death Tyrant Undead Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
246 Beholderkin, Death Kiss Aberration Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
247 Beholderkin, Eyeball Aberration Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
248 Beholderkin, Eye of the Deep Aberration Converted
249 Beholderkin, Gouger Aberration Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
250 Beholderkin Director Aberration Lords of Madness
251 Beholderkin Hive Mother Aberration Lords of Madness
252 Beholderkin Overseer Aberration Lords of Madness
253 Beholderkin Spectator Aberration Lords of Madness
254 Beholderkin Spectator, Toril Aberration Magic of Faerûn
255 Bel, Lord of the First Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
256 Belabra Aberration Converted
257 Belgoi Humanoid Dungeon #111
258 Belial/Fierna, Lord Of The Fourth Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
259 Belker Elemental Monster Manual
260 Bheur (Enlarged Form) Monstrous Humanoid Unapproachable East
261 Bheur (Natural Form) Monstrous Humanoid Unapproachable East
262 Bhuka Humanoid Sandstorm
263 Bhut Undead Fiend Folio
264 Bichir Animal Converted
265 Bird, Giant Magpie Animal Converted
266 Bird, Greater Piranha Animal Converted
267 Bird, Greater Sprackle Magical Beast Converted
268 Bird, Lesser Piranha Animal Converted
269 Bird, Lesser Sprackle Magical Beast Converted
270 Bird, Magpie Animal Converted
271 Bisan Fey Oriental Adventures
272 Bison Animal Monster Manual
273 Blackball Construct Converted
274 Blackbeast of Bedlam Outsider Dragon #355
275 Blackroot Marauder Construct Dragon #270
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
276 Blackskate Undead Stormwrack
277 Blackstone Gigant Construct Fiend Folio
278 Black Loper Outsider Web
279 Black Rock Triskelion Elemental Monster Manual IV
280 Bladeback Monstrous Humanoid Converted
281 Bladeling Outsider Monster Manual II
282 Blade Spirit Undead Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
283 Blaspheme Undead Libris Mortis
284 Bleakborn Undead Libris Mortis
285 Blightspawned Treant* Plant Unapproachable East
286 Blindheim Monstrous Humanoid Converted
287 Blink Dog Magical Beast Monster Manual
288 Bloodbloater Ooze Fiend Folio
289 Blooded One Orc* Humanoid Unapproachable East
290 Bloodhulk Crusher Undead Monster Manual IV
291 Bloodhulk Fighter Undead Monster Manual IV
292 Bloodhulk Giant Undead Monster Manual IV
293 Bloodlance Magical Beast Dragon #357
294 Bloodmote Cloud Undead Libris Mortis
295 Bloodsilk Spider Magical Beast Monster Manual IV
296 Bloodswarm Outsider Fiendish Codex I
297 Bloodthorn Plant Fiend Folio
298 Bloodworm Vermin Converted
299 Bloody Bones (skeleton variant) Undead Converted
300 Bloody Bones Master Undead Converted
301 Bloody Bones Minion Undead Converted
302 Blood Amniote Undead Libris Mortis
303 Blood Ape Magical Beast Monster Manual II
304 Blood Elemental Outsider Web
305 Blood Fiend Undead Fiend Folio
306 Blood Hawk Magical Beast Fiend Folio
307 Blood Horse Magical Beast Dragon #299
308 Blood Mother Outsider Web
309 Blue Humanoid Psionics Handbook
310 Boalisk Magical Beast Converted
311 Boar Animal Monster Manual
312 Bodak Undead Monster Manual
313 Bodak Five-Headed Hydra* Undead Dragon #307
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
314 Bogannarr Outsider Web
315 Boggart Aberration Converted
316 Boggle Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
317 Bogun Construct Monster Manual II
318 Bog Hag Monstrous Humanoid Oriental Adventures
319 Bonebat Undead Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
320 Boneclaw Undead Monster Manual III
321 Bonedrinker Undead Monster Manual III
322 Bonedrinker, Lesser Undead Monster Manual III
323 Bonesnapper Animal Converted
324 Bonespear Vermin Fiend Folio
325 Bonespitter Undead Dragon #287
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
326 Bonesting Undead Web
327 Bonetree Plant Dragon #280
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
328 Boneworm Undead Web
329 Boneyard Undead Libris Mortis
330 Bone Bugbear* Undead Book of Vile Darkness
331 Bone Lurker Undead Web
332 Bone Rat Swarm Undead Libris Mortis
333 Boobrie Animal Converted
334 Bookworm Vermin Converted
335 Bowler Aberration Converted
336 Brachyurus Magical Beast Lost Empires of Faerûn
337 Brain Collector Outsider Converted
338 Brain in a Jar Undead Libris Mortis
339 Brain Mole Animal Psionics Handbook
340 Bralani Outsider Monster Manual
341 Branta Magical Beast Frostburn
342 Brass Man Construct Dungeon #126
343 Brass Steed Construct Heroes of Battle
344 Braxat Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
345 Breathdrinker Elemental Monster Manual II
346 Briarvex Plant Monster Manual IV
347 Brine Swimmer Vermin Sandstorm
348 Brixashulty Animal Heroes of Battle
349 Brontosaurus Animal Converted
350 Bronze Locust Swarm Construct Book of Exalted Deeds
351 Bronze Serpent Construct Monster Manual II
352 Brood Keeper Magical Beast Monster Manual III
353 Brood Mother Aberration Dragon #298
354 Brownie Fey Converted
355 Buckawn Fey Converted
356 Bugbear Humanoid Monster Manual
357 Bulette Magical Beast Monster Manual
358 Bulezau Outsider Dragon #341
Fiendish Codex I
359 Bull Animal Converted
360 Bullywug Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
361 Burning Skeleton Undead Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
362 Buso, Tigbanua Monstrous Humanoid Oriental Adventures
363 Caarcrinolaas (Duke of Hell) Outsider Converted
364 Cadaver Collector Construct Monster Manual III
365 Cadaver Collector, Greater Construct Monster Manual III
366 Caller from the Deeps Elemental Stormwrack
367 Caller In Darkness Undead Psionics Handbook
368 Camel Animal Monster Manual
369 Camel, Dromedary Animal Sandstorm
370 Camel, Two-humped Animal Sandstorm
371 Camel, War Animal Sandstorm
372 Camelopardel Magical Beast Sandstorm
373 Camptosaurus Animal Converted
374 Canisphinx Magical Beast Sandstorm
375 Canoloth Outsider Monster Manual III
376 Cantobele Magical Beast Converted
377 Captured One (Bugbear)* Construct Monster Manual II
378 Carapace, Backwatcher Aberration Dragon #308
379 Carapace, Fastbreak Aberration Dragon #308
380 Carapace, Hardy Aberration Dragon #308
381 Carapace, Silent Aberration Dragon #308
382 Carapace, Slippery Aberration Dragon #308
383 Carapace, Strongarm Aberration Dragon #308
384 Carcass Eater Animal Libris Mortis
385 Caribou Animal Frostburn
386 Carp, Giant Animal Converted
387 Carrion Crawler Aberration Monster Manual
388 Caryatid Column Construct Fiend Folio
389 Casurua Undead Dragon #210
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
390 Cat Animal Monster Manual
391 Cat, Sand Animal Converted
392 Caterwaul Magical Beast Converted
393 Catfolk, 1st-Level Warrior Humanoid Miniatures Handbook
394 Cath'Quessir Magical Beast Converted
395 Cath'Shee Magical Beast Converted
396 Catoblepas Aberration Monster Manual II
397 Cattle, Wild Animal Monster Manual
398 Caustic Creeper Magical Beast Dragon #357
399 Cave Fisher Vermin Dragon #355
400 Cave Moray Vermin Converted
401 Cavvekan Magical Beast Races of Faerûn
402 Celestial Charger* Magical Beast Monster Manual
403 Celestial Lion* Magical Beast Monster Manual
404 Centaur Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
405 Centipede, Devastation Vermin Epic Level Handbook
406 Centipede, Greater Spirit Outsider Oriental Adventures
407 Centipede, Least Spirit Outsider Oriental Adventures
408 Centipede, Lesser Spirit Outsider Oriental Adventures
409 Century Worm Vermin Fiend Folio
410 Ceratosaur Animal Serpent Kingdoms
411 Cerebral Hood Aberration Fiend Folio
412 Cerebrilith Demon Outsider Psionics Handbook
413 Cervidal Outsider Monster Manual II
414 Chaggrin (Earth Grue) Elemental Complete Arcane
415 Chainworm Vermin Converted
416 Chameleon Bugbear* Humanoid Underdark
417 Chaneque Fey Dragon #317
418 Changeling Humanoid Dragon #304
419 Changeling, 1st-Level Warrior Humanoid Monster Manual III
420 Changeling Spy, 3rd-Level Rogue Humanoid Monster Manual III
421 Chaond Outsider Monster Manual II
422 Chaoswyrd Aberration Dragon #287
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
423 Chaos Beast Outsider Monster Manual
424 Chaos Eater Outsider Dragon #287
425 Chaos Roc Magical Beast Monster Manual II
426 Charnel Hound Undead Monster Manual III
427 Chasme Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
428 Cheetah Animal Monster Manual
429 Chekryan Magical Beast Sandstorm
430 Chelicera Vermin Monster Manual III
431 Chicken Animal Converted
432 Chilblain Aberration Frostburn
433 Chilling Fog Ooze Monster Manual III
434 Chimera Magical Beast Monster Manual
435 Chimeraspawn Magical Beast Converted
436 Chimeric Ankheg* Magical Beast Monster Manual II
437 Chipmunk Animal Converted
438 Chitine Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
439 Choker Aberration Monster Manual
440 Choke Creeper Plant Converted
441 Choldrith Aberration Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
442 Chordevoc Animal Heroes of Battle
443 Chosen One Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
444 Chraal Elemental Monster Manual III
445 Chronotyryn Magical Beast Fiend Folio
446 Chupacabra Monstrous Humanoid Dragon #343
447 Chuul Aberration Monster Manual
448 Chwidencha Aberration Fiend Folio
Drow of the Underdark
449 Cildabrin Aberration Lords of Madness
450 Cinderspawn Undead Libris Mortis
451 Cipactli Magical Beast Dragon #317
452 Ciruja Plant Plant Dragon #287
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
453 Cliff Raptor Animal Web
454 Cloaked Ape Magical Beast Monster Manual II
455 Cloaker Aberration Monster Manual
456 Cloaker, Shadowcloak Elder Aberration Lords of Madness
457 Cloaker Lord Aberration Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
458 Clockroach Construct Monster Manual IV
459 Clockwork Eunuch Construct Dragon #334
460 Clockwork Horror, Adamantine Construct Monster Manual II
461 Clockwork Horror, Copper Construct Dragon #350
462 Clockwork Horror, Electrum Construct Monster Manual II
463 Clockwork Horror, Gold Construct Monster Manual II
464 Clockwork Horror, Platinum Construct Monster Manual II
465 Clockwork Mender Construct Monster Manual IV
466 Clockwork Mender Swarm Construct Monster Manual IV
467 Clockwork Pony Construct Monster Manual IV
468 Clockwork Stallion Construct Monster Manual IV
469 Cloud Ray Magical Beast Monster Manual II
470 Cobra Trout Animal Converted
471 Cockatrice Magical Beast Monster Manual
472 Cockroach, Giant Vermin Underdark
473 Coffer Corpse Undead Converted
474 Colossus, Flesh Construct Epic Level Handbook
475 Colossus, Iron Construct Epic Level Handbook
476 Colossus, Stone Construct Epic Level Handbook
477 Compsognathus Animal Dragon #318
478 Concordant Killer Outsider Monster Manual IV
479 Condor Animal Converted
480 Copper Asp Construct Dragon #341
481 Copper Opossum Magical Beast Converted
482 Cornugon Outsider Monster Manual
483 Corollax Magical Beast Monster Manual II
484 Corpse Barbarian* Undead Book of Vile Darkness
485 Corpse Gatherer Undead Monster Manual II
486 Corpse Ratswarm Undead Libris Mortis
487 Corrupted Wolf* Aberration Book of Vile Darkness
488 Corrupture Ooze Monster Manual IV
489 Couatl Outsider Monster Manual
490 Coure Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
491 Cow (Domestic) Animal Converted
492 Crabman Monstrous Humanoid Converted
493 Cranial Encyster Magical Beast Dragon #330
494 Cranium Rat Outsider Converted
495 Crawling Apocalypse Undead Sandstorm
496 Crawling Claw Construct Lost Empires of Faerûn
497 Crawling Head Undead Fiend Folio
498 Crawling Slaughter Undead Dragon #309
499 Crayfish, Giant Vermin Dragon #321
500 Creator Race Monstrous Humanoid Dragon #303
501 Creeping Stone Ooze Dragon #314
502 Crimson Death Undead Monster Manual II
503 Criosphinx Magical Beast Monster Manual
504 Crocodile Animal Monster Manual
505 Crocodile, Giant Animal Monster Manual
506 Crocosphinx Magical Beast Sandstorm
507 Crossroads Guardian Fey Magic of Faerûn
508 Crow, Rainbow Magical Beast Heroes of Battle
509 Crucian Humanoid Sandstorm
510 Cryohydra, Eight-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
511 Cryohydra, Eleven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
512 Cryohydra, Five-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
513 Cryohydra, Nine-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
514 Cryohydra, Seven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
515 Cryohydra, Six-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
516 Cryohydra, Ten-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
517 Cryohydra, Twelve-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
518 Cryptoclidus Animal Monster Manual II
519 Crypt Chanter Undead Libris Mortis
520 Crypt Spawn* Undead Magic of Faerûn
521 Crypt Thing Undead Fiend Folio
522 Crypt Warden Deathless Book of Exalted Deeds
523 Crysmal Elemental Psionics Handbook
524 Crystalline Cat Fey Dragon #304
525 Crystal Beetle Swarm Vermin Web
526 Crystal Cat Construct Dragon #341
527 Crystal Screamer Magical Beast Bastion of Broken Souls
528 Crystal Sunflower Plant Web
529 Cuprilach (Rilmani) Outsider Fiend Folio
530 Cursed Cold One (Gelun) Aberration Sandstorm
531 Cursed Spirit Undead Miniatures Handbook
532 Curst* Undead Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
533 Cyclonic Ravager Elemental Monster Manual IV
534 Cyclops Giant Converted
535 Cyclops, Greater Giant Deities and Demigods
536 Cyclops, Lesser Giant Deities and Demigods
537 Cyclopskin Giant Converted
538 Dagon, Prince of the Depths Outsider Fiendish Codex I
539 Dao Outsider Manual of the Planes
540 Darfellan Barbarian Humanoid Stormwrack
541 Darfellan Warrior Humanoid Stormwrack
542 Darkenbeast Magical Beast Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
543 Darkmantle Magical Beast Monster Manual
544 Darktentacles Aberration Monster Manual II
545 Darkweaver Aberration Fiend Folio
546 Dark Creeper Humanoid Fiend Folio
547 Dark Stalker Humanoid Fiend Folio
548 Dark Tree Plant Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
549 Deadly Dancer Aberration Tome of Magic
550 Deadwood Revenant Undead Dragon #357
551 Deathbringer Undead Monster Manual II
552 Deathcoils Magical Beast Serpent Kingdoms
553 Deathdrinker Outsider Monster Manual IV
554 Deathfang Undead Races of Faerûn
555 Deathlock Undead Libris Mortis
556 Deathraven Swarm Magical Beast Book of Exalted Deeds
557 Deathshead Undead Tome of Magic
558 Deathshrieker Undead Monster Manual III
559 Deathshrieker, Advanced Undead Monster Manual III
560 Deathstone Construct Web
561 Deathweed Plant Web
562 Death Dog Magical Beast Fiend Folio
563 Death Hurler Construct Dragon #309
564 Death Knight* Undead Monster Manual II
565 Death's Head Tree Plant Dragon #292
566 Decaton (Hierarch Modron) Construct Converted
567 Deepling Fey Dragon #281
568 Deepspawn Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
569 Deer Animal Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
570 Defacer Undead Monster Manual IV
571 Deinonychus Animal Monster Manual
572 Dekayi Animal Dragon #345
573 Delver Aberration Monster Manual
574 Demilich* Undead Epic Level Handbook
575 Demogorgon, Prince of Demons Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
576 Demon, Air Outsider Dragon #306
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
577 Demon, Arrow Outsider Monster Manual III
578 Demon, Ash Outsider Dragon #306
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
579 Demon, Colchiln Outsider Dungeon #112
580 Demon, Earth Outsider Dragon #306
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
581 Demon, Fire Outsider Dragon #306
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
582 Demon, Ice Outsider Dragon #306
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
583 Demon, Kerzit the Guardian Outsider Dungeon #112
584 Demon, Sorrowsworn Outsider Monster Manual III
585 Demon, Water Outsider Dragon #306
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
586 Demonet Swarm Outsider Monster Manual IV
587 Demonhive Attendant Outsider Monster Manual IV
588 Demonhive Queen Outsider Monster Manual IV
589 Demonically Fused Fire Elemental* Elemental Dragon #285
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
590 Demonic Guardian Hound* Outsider Web
591 Dendar the Night Serpent Outsider Champions of Ruin
592 Derro Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
593 Desert Devil (Araton) Outsider Sandstorm
594 Desiccator Undead Libris Mortis
595 Desmodu Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
596 Desmodu Bat, Guard Animal Monster Manual II
597 Desmodu Bat, Hunting Animal Monster Manual II
598 Desmodu Bat, War Animal Monster Manual II
599 Destrachian Aberration Monster Manual
600 Deva, Monadic Outsider Fiend Folio
601 Deva, Movanic Outsider Fiend Folio
602 Devil, Coal Outsider Dragon #306
603 Devil, Glass Outsider Dragon #306
604 Devil, Lead Outsider Dragon #306
605 Devil, Logokron Outsider Tome of Magic
606 Devil, Obsidian Outsider Dragon #306
607 Devil, Sand Outsider Dragon #306
608 Devil, Spiked Outsider Dragon #306
609 Devil Dog Magical Beast Converted
610 Devil Sail (Sea Nettle) Magical Beast Web
611 Devourer Undead Monster Manual
612 Dharculus Aberration Planar Handbook
613 Digester Magical Beast Monster Manual
614 Dimetrodon Animal Dragon #318
615 Dinosaur, Battletitan Animal Monster Manual III
616 Dinosaur, Bloodstriker Animal Monster Manual III
617 Dinosaur, Fleshraker Animal Monster Manual III
618 Dinosaur, Swindlespitter Animal Monster Manual III
619 Diplodocus Animal Dragon #318
620 Diprotodon Animal Sandstorm
621 Direguard Undead Lost Empires of Faerûn
622 Dire Ape Animal Monster Manual
623 Dire Badger Animal Monster Manual
624 Dire Barracuda Animal Stormwrack
625 Dire Bat Animal Monster Manual
626 Dire Bear Animal Monster Manual
627 Dire Boar Animal Monster Manual
628 Dire Eel Animal Stormwrack
629 Dire Elephant Animal Monster Manual II
630 Dire Elk Animal Monster Manual II
631 Dire Hawk Animal Monster Manual II
Races of the Wild
632 Dire Hippopotamus Animal Sandstorm
633 Dire Horse Animal Monster Manual II
634 Dire Jackal Animal Sandstorm
635 Dire Lion Animal Monster Manual
636 Dire Maggot Vermin Libris Mortis
637 Dire Opossum Animal Dungeon #91
638 Dire Polar Bear Animal Frostburn
639 Dire Porcupine Animal Converted
640 Dire Puma Animal Sandstorm
641 Dire Rat Animal Monster Manual
642 Dire Rhinoceros Animal Fiend Folio
643 Dire Shark Animal Monster Manual
644 Dire Skunk Animal Converted
645 Dire Snake Animal Monster Manual II
646 Dire Squirrel Animal Web
647 Dire Tiger Animal Monster Manual
648 Dire Tiger, Vivacious* Outsider Planar Handbook
649 Dire Toad Animal Monster Manual II
650 Dire Tortoise Animal Sandstorm
651 Dire Vulture Animal Sandstorm
652 Dire Weasel Animal Monster Manual
653 Dire Wereboar Hill Giant (Boar Form)* Giant Web
654 Dire Wereboar Hill Giant (Giant Form)* Giant Web
655 Dire Wereboar Hill Giant (Hybrid Form)* Giant Web
656 Dire Wolf Animal Monster Manual
657 Dire Wolverine Animal Monster Manual
658 Disenchanter Magical Beast Fiend Folio
659 Dispater, Lord Of The Second Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
660 Displacer Beast Magical Beast Monster Manual
661 Displacer Beast (Serpent) Magical Beast Miniatures Handbook
662 Displacer Beast Pack Lord Magical Beast Monster Manual
663 Diving Spider, Colossal Vermin Stormwrack
664 Diving Spider, Gargantuan Vermin Stormwrack
665 Diving Spider, Huge Vermin Stormwrack
666 Diving Spider, Large Vermin Stormwrack
667 Diving Spider, Medium Vermin Stormwrack
668 Diving Spider, Small Vermin Stormwrack
669 Diving Spider, Tiny Vermin Stormwrack
670 Djinni Outsider Monster Manual
671 Djinni, Noble Outsider Monster Manual
672 Dobie Fey Converted
673 Doc Cu'o'c Outsider Oriental Adventures
674 Dog Animal Monster Manual
675 Dog, Riding Animal Monster Manual
676 Dog, Wild Animal Monster Manual
677 Dokufu, human form Magical Beast Oriental Adventures
678 Dokufu, natural form Magical Beast Oriental Adventures
679 Dolgrue Aberration Dragon #348
680 Dolphin, Common Animal Converted
681 Domovoi Fey Frostburn
682 Donkey Animal Monster Manual
683 Doombat Magical Beast Converted
684 Doom Guard Construct Converted
685 Doppelganger Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
686 Doppelganger, Ethereal Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
687 Doppelganger, Greater Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
688 Dracolich, Ancient Blue* Undead Draconomicon
689 Dracolisk Dragon Converted
690 Draconian, Baaz Monstrous Humanoid Dungeon #86
691 Draconic Fire Giant* Giant Draconomicon
692 Dracotaur Dragon Monster Manual III
693 Dracotaur Rager Dragon Monster Manual III
694 Dragon, Adamantine Adult Dragon Dragon #321
695 Dragon, Adamantine Ancient Dragon Dragon #321
696 Dragon, Adamantine Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
697 Dragon, Adamantine Juvenile Dragon Dragon #321
698 Dragon, Adamantine Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #321
699 Dragon, Adamantine Old Dragon Dragon #321
700 Dragon, Adamantine Very Old Dragon Dragon #321
701 Dragon, Adamantine Very Young Dragon Dragon #321
702 Dragon, Adamantine Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
703 Dragon, Adamantine Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #321
704 Dragon, Adamantine Young Dragon Dragon #321
705 Dragon, Adamantine Young Adult Dragon Dragon #321
706 Dragon, Amethyst Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
707 Dragon, Amethyst Ancient Dragon Monster Manual II
708 Dragon, Amethyst Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
709 Dragon, Amethyst Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual II
710 Dragon, Amethyst Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
711 Dragon, Amethyst Old Dragon Monster Manual II
712 Dragon, Amethyst Very Old Dragon Monster Manual II
713 Dragon, Amethyst Very Young Dragon Monster Manual II
714 Dragon, Amethyst Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
715 Dragon, Amethyst Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual II
716 Dragon, Amethyst Young Dragon Monster Manual II
717 Dragon, Amethyst Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
718 Dragon, Arboreal Adult Dragon Dragon #321
719 Dragon, Arboreal Ancient Dragon Dragon #321
720 Dragon, Arboreal Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
721 Dragon, Arboreal Juvenile Dragon Dragon #321
722 Dragon, Arboreal Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #321
723 Dragon, Arboreal Old Dragon Dragon #321
724 Dragon, Arboreal Very Old Dragon Dragon #321
725 Dragon, Arboreal Very Young Dragon Dragon #321
726 Dragon, Arboreal Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
727 Dragon, Arboreal Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #321
728 Dragon, Arboreal Young Dragon Dragon #321
729 Dragon, Arboreal Young Adult Dragon Dragon #321
730 Dragon, Astral Adult Dragon Dragon #344
731 Dragon, Astral Ancient Dragon Dragon #344
732 Dragon, Astral Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #344
733 Dragon, Astral Juvenile Dragon Dragon #344
734 Dragon, Astral Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #344
735 Dragon, Astral Old Dragon Dragon #344
736 Dragon, Astral Very old Dragon Dragon #344
737 Dragon, Astral Very young Dragon Dragon #344
738 Dragon, Astral Wyrm Dragon Dragon #344
739 Dragon, Astral Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #344
740 Dragon, Astral Young Dragon Dragon #344
741 Dragon, Astral Young Adult Dragon Dragon #344
742 Dragon, Axial Adult Dragon Dragon #321
743 Dragon, Axial Ancient Dragon Dragon #321
744 Dragon, Axial Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
745 Dragon, Axial Juvenile Dragon Dragon #321
746 Dragon, Axial Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #321
747 Dragon, Axial Old Dragon Dragon #321
748 Dragon, Axial Very Old Dragon Dragon #321
749 Dragon, Axial Very Young Dragon Dragon #321
750 Dragon, Axial Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
751 Dragon, Axial Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #321
752 Dragon, Axial Young Dragon Dragon #321
753 Dragon, Axial Young Adult Dragon Dragon #321
754 Dragon, Battle Adult Dragon Draconomicon
755 Dragon, Battle Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
756 Dragon, Battle Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
757 Dragon, Battle Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
758 Dragon, Battle Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
759 Dragon, Battle Old Dragon Draconomicon
760 Dragon, Battle Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
761 Dragon, Battle Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
762 Dragon, Battle Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
763 Dragon, Battle Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
764 Dragon, Battle Young Dragon Draconomicon
765 Dragon, Battle Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
766 Dragon, Beast Adult Dragon Dragon #321
767 Dragon, Beast Ancient Dragon Dragon #321
768 Dragon, Beast Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
769 Dragon, Beast Juvenile Dragon Dragon #321
770 Dragon, Beast Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #321
771 Dragon, Beast Old Dragon Dragon #321
772 Dragon, Beast Very Old Dragon Dragon #321
773 Dragon, Beast Very Young Dragon Dragon #321
774 Dragon, Beast Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
775 Dragon, Beast Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #321
776 Dragon, Beast Young Dragon Dragon #321
777 Dragon, Beast Young Adult Dragon Dragon #321
778 Dragon, Black Adult Dragon Monster Manual
779 Dragon, Black Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
780 Dragon, Black Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
781 Dragon, Black Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
782 Dragon, Black Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
783 Dragon, Black Old Dragon Monster Manual
784 Dragon, Black Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
785 Dragon, Black Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
786 Dragon, Black Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
787 Dragon, Black Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
788 Dragon, Black Young Dragon Monster Manual
789 Dragon, Black Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
790 Dragon, Blue Adult Dragon Monster Manual
791 Dragon, Blue Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
792 Dragon, Blue Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
793 Dragon, Blue Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
794 Dragon, Blue Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
795 Dragon, Blue Old Dragon Monster Manual
796 Dragon, Blue Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
797 Dragon, Blue Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
798 Dragon, Blue Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
799 Dragon, Blue Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
800 Dragon, Blue Young Dragon Monster Manual
801 Dragon, Blue Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
802 Dragon, Brainstealer Adult Dragon Dragon #337
803 Dragon, Brainstealer Ancient Dragon Dragon #337
804 Dragon, Brainstealer Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #337
805 Dragon, Brainstealer Juvenile Dragon Dragon #337
806 Dragon, Brainstealer Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #337
807 Dragon, Brainstealer Old Dragon Dragon #337
808 Dragon, Brainstealer Very old Dragon Dragon #337
809 Dragon, Brainstealer Very young Dragon Dragon #337
810 Dragon, Brainstealer Wyrm Dragon Dragon #337
811 Dragon, Brainstealer Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #337
812 Dragon, Brainstealer Young Dragon Dragon #337
813 Dragon, Brainstealer Young Adult Dragon Dragon #337
814 Dragon, Brass Adult Dragon Monster Manual
815 Dragon, Brass Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
816 Dragon, Brass Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
817 Dragon, Brass Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
818 Dragon, Brass Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
819 Dragon, Brass Old Dragon Monster Manual
820 Dragon, Brass Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
821 Dragon, Brass Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
822 Dragon, Brass Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
823 Dragon, Brass Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
824 Dragon, Brass Young Dragon Monster Manual
825 Dragon, Brass Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
826 Dragon, Bronze Adult Dragon Monster Manual
827 Dragon, Bronze Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
828 Dragon, Bronze Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
829 Dragon, Bronze Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
830 Dragon, Bronze Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
831 Dragon, Bronze Old Dragon Monster Manual
832 Dragon, Bronze Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
833 Dragon, Bronze Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
834 Dragon, Bronze Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
835 Dragon, Bronze Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
836 Dragon, Bronze Young Dragon Monster Manual
837 Dragon, Bronze Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
838 Dragon, Brown Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
839 Dragon, Brown Ancient Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
840 Dragon, Brown Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
841 Dragon, Brown Juvenile Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
842 Dragon, Brown Mature Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
843 Dragon, Brown Old Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
844 Dragon, Brown Very Old Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
845 Dragon, Brown Very Young Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
846 Dragon, Brown Wyrm Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
847 Dragon, Brown Wyrmling Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
848 Dragon, Brown Young Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
849 Dragon, Brown Young Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
850 Dragon, Chaos Adult Dragon Draconomicon
851 Dragon, Chaos Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
852 Dragon, Chaos Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
853 Dragon, Chaos Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
854 Dragon, Chaos Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
855 Dragon, Chaos Old Dragon Draconomicon
856 Dragon, Chaos Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
857 Dragon, Chaos Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
858 Dragon, Chaos Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
859 Dragon, Chaos Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
860 Dragon, Chaos Young Dragon Draconomicon
861 Dragon, Chaos Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
862 Dragon, Chole Adult Dragon Dragon #344
863 Dragon, Chole Ancient Dragon Dragon #344
864 Dragon, Chole Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #344
865 Dragon, Chole Juvenile Dragon Dragon #344
866 Dragon, Chole Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #344
867 Dragon, Chole Old Dragon Dragon #344
868 Dragon, Chole Very old Dragon Dragon #344
869 Dragon, Chole Very young Dragon Dragon #344
870 Dragon, Chole Wyrm Dragon Dragon #344
871 Dragon, Chole Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #344
872 Dragon, Chole Young Dragon Dragon #344
873 Dragon, Chole Young Adult Dragon Dragon #344
874 Dragon, Chromium, Adult Dragon Dragon #356
875 Dragon, Chromium, Ancient Dragon Dragon #356
876 Dragon, Chromium, Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
877 Dragon, Chromium, Juvenile Dragon Dragon #356
878 Dragon, Chromium, Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #356
879 Dragon, Chromium, Old Dragon Dragon #356
880 Dragon, Chromium, Very old Dragon Dragon #356
881 Dragon, Chromium, Very young Dragon Dragon #356
882 Dragon, Chromium, Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
883 Dragon, Chromium, Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #356
884 Dragon, Chromium, Young Dragon Dragon #356
885 Dragon, Chromium, Young Adult Dragon Dragon #356
886 Dragon, Cobalt Adult Dragon Dragon #356
887 Dragon, Cobalt Ancient Dragon Dragon #356
888 Dragon, Cobalt Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
889 Dragon, Cobalt Juvenile Dragon Dragon #356
890 Dragon, Cobalt Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #356
891 Dragon, Cobalt Old Dragon Dragon #356
892 Dragon, Cobalt Very old Dragon Dragon #356
893 Dragon, Cobalt Very young Dragon Dragon #356
894 Dragon, Cobalt Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
895 Dragon, Cobalt Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #356
896 Dragon, Cobalt Young Dragon Dragon #356
897 Dragon, Cobalt Young Adult Dragon Dragon #356
898 Dragon, Concordant Adult Dragon Dragon #321
899 Dragon, Concordant Ancient Dragon Dragon #321
900 Dragon, Concordant Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
901 Dragon, Concordant Juvenile Dragon Dragon #321
902 Dragon, Concordant Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #321
903 Dragon, Concordant Old Dragon Dragon #321
904 Dragon, Concordant Very Old Dragon Dragon #321
905 Dragon, Concordant Very Young Dragon Dragon #321
906 Dragon, Concordant Wyrm Dragon Dragon #321
907 Dragon, Concordant Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #321
908 Dragon, Concordant Young Dragon Dragon #321
909 Dragon, Concordant Young Adult Dragon Dragon #321
910 Dragon, Copper Adult Dragon Monster Manual
911 Dragon, Copper Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
912 Dragon, Copper Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
913 Dragon, Copper Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
914 Dragon, Copper Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
915 Dragon, Copper Old Dragon Monster Manual
916 Dragon, Copper Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
917 Dragon, Copper Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
918 Dragon, Copper Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
919 Dragon, Copper Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
920 Dragon, Copper Young Dragon Monster Manual
921 Dragon, Copper Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
922 Dragon, Crystal Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
923 Dragon, Crystal Ancient Dragon Monster Manual II
924 Dragon, Crystal Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
925 Dragon, Crystal Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual II
926 Dragon, Crystal Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
927 Dragon, Crystal Old Dragon Monster Manual II
928 Dragon, Crystal Very Old Dragon Monster Manual II
929 Dragon, Crystal Very Young Dragon Monster Manual II
930 Dragon, Crystal Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
931 Dragon, Crystal Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual II
932 Dragon, Crystal Young Dragon Monster Manual II
933 Dragon, Crystal Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
934 Dragon, Deep Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
935 Dragon, Deep Ancient Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
936 Dragon, Deep Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
937 Dragon, Deep Juvenile Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
938 Dragon, Deep Mature Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
939 Dragon, Deep Old Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
940 Dragon, Deep Very Old Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
941 Dragon, Deep Very Young Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
942 Dragon, Deep Wyrm Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
943 Dragon, Deep Wyrmling Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
944 Dragon, Deep Young Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
945 Dragon, Deep Young Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
946 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Adult Dragon Web
947 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Ancient Dragon Web
948 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Great Wyrm Dragon Web
949 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Juvenile Dragon Web
950 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Mature Adult Dragon Web
951 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Old Dragon Web
952 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Very Old Dragon Web
953 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Very Young Dragon Web
954 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Wyrm Dragon Web
955 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Wyrmling Dragon Web
956 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Young Dragon Web
957 Dragon, Ectoplasmic Young Adult Dragon Web
958 Dragon, Elysian Adult Dragon Dragon #344
959 Dragon, Elysian Ancient Dragon Dragon #344
960 Dragon, Elysian Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #344
961 Dragon, Elysian Juvenile Dragon Dragon #344
962 Dragon, Elysian Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #344
963 Dragon, Elysian Old Dragon Dragon #344
964 Dragon, Elysian Very old Dragon Dragon #344
965 Dragon, Elysian Very young Dragon Dragon #344
966 Dragon, Elysian Wyrm Dragon Dragon #344
967 Dragon, Elysian Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #344
968 Dragon, Elysian Young Dragon Dragon #344
969 Dragon, Elysian Young Adult Dragon Dragon #344
970 Dragon, Emerald Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
971 Dragon, Emerald Ancient Dragon Monster Manual II
972 Dragon, Emerald Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
973 Dragon, Emerald Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual II
974 Dragon, Emerald Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
975 Dragon, Emerald Old Dragon Monster Manual II
976 Dragon, Emerald Very Old Dragon Monster Manual II
977 Dragon, Emerald Very Young Dragon Monster Manual II
978 Dragon, Emerald Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
979 Dragon, Emerald Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual II
980 Dragon, Emerald Young Dragon Monster Manual II
981 Dragon, Emerald Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
982 Dragon, Ethereal Adult Dragon Draconomicon
983 Dragon, Ethereal Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
984 Dragon, Ethereal Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
985 Dragon, Ethereal Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
986 Dragon, Ethereal Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
987 Dragon, Ethereal Old Dragon Draconomicon
988 Dragon, Ethereal Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
989 Dragon, Ethereal Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
990 Dragon, Ethereal Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
991 Dragon, Ethereal Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
992 Dragon, Ethereal Young Dragon Draconomicon
993 Dragon, Ethereal Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
994 Dragon, Faerie Dragon Draconomicon
995 Dragon, Fang Adult Dragon Draconomicon
996 Dragon, Fang Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
997 Dragon, Fang Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
998 Dragon, Fang Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
999 Dragon, Fang Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1000 Dragon, Fang Old Dragon Draconomicon
1001 Dragon, Fang Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1002 Dragon, Fang Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1003 Dragon, Fang Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1004 Dragon, Fang Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1005 Dragon, Fang Young Dragon Draconomicon
1006 Dragon, Fang Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1007 Dragon, Gloom Adult Dragon Dragon #344
1008 Dragon, Gloom Ancient Dragon Dragon #344
1009 Dragon, Gloom Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #344
1010 Dragon, Gloom Juvenile Dragon Dragon #344
1011 Dragon, Gloom Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #344
1012 Dragon, Gloom Old Dragon Dragon #344
1013 Dragon, Gloom Very old Dragon Dragon #344
1014 Dragon, Gloom Very young Dragon Dragon #344
1015 Dragon, Gloom Wyrm Dragon Dragon #344
1016 Dragon, Gloom Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #344
1017 Dragon, Gloom Young Dragon Dragon #344
1018 Dragon, Gloom Young Adult Dragon Dragon #344
1019 Dragon, Gold Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1020 Dragon, Gold Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
1021 Dragon, Gold Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1022 Dragon, Gold Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
1023 Dragon, Gold Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1024 Dragon, Gold Old Dragon Monster Manual
1025 Dragon, Gold Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
1026 Dragon, Gold Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
1027 Dragon, Gold Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1028 Dragon, Gold Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
1029 Dragon, Gold Young Dragon Monster Manual
1030 Dragon, Gold Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1031 Dragon, Green Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1032 Dragon, Green Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
1033 Dragon, Green Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1034 Dragon, Green Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
1035 Dragon, Green Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1036 Dragon, Green Old Dragon Monster Manual
1037 Dragon, Green Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
1038 Dragon, Green Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
1039 Dragon, Green Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1040 Dragon, Green Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
1041 Dragon, Green Young Dragon Monster Manual
1042 Dragon, Green Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1043 Dragon, Hex, Adult Dragon Dragon #343
1044 Dragon, Hex, Ancient Dragon Dragon #343
1045 Dragon, Hex, Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #343
1046 Dragon, Hex, Juvenile Dragon Dragon #343
1047 Dragon, Hex, Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #343
1048 Dragon, Hex, Old Dragon Dragon #343
1049 Dragon, Hex, Very old Dragon Dragon #343
1050 Dragon, Hex, Very young Dragon Dragon #343
1051 Dragon, Hex, Wyrm Dragon Dragon #343
1052 Dragon, Hex, Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #343
1053 Dragon, Hex, Young Dragon Dragon #343
1054 Dragon, Hex, Young Adult Dragon Dragon #343
1055 Dragon, Howling Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1056 Dragon, Howling Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
1057 Dragon, Howling Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1058 Dragon, Howling Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
1059 Dragon, Howling Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1060 Dragon, Howling Old Dragon Draconomicon
1061 Dragon, Howling Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1062 Dragon, Howling Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1063 Dragon, Howling Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1064 Dragon, Howling Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1065 Dragon, Howling Young Dragon Draconomicon
1066 Dragon, Howling Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1067 Dragon, Iron Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1068 Dragon, Iron Ancient Dragon Dragon #356
1069 Dragon, Iron Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
1070 Dragon, Iron Juvenile Dragon Dragon #356
1071 Dragon, Iron Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1072 Dragon, Iron Old Dragon Dragon #356
1073 Dragon, Iron Very old Dragon Dragon #356
1074 Dragon, Iron Very young Dragon Dragon #356
1075 Dragon, Iron Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
1076 Dragon, Iron Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #356
1077 Dragon, Iron Young Dragon Dragon #356
1078 Dragon, Iron Young Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1079 Dragon, Mercury Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1080 Dragon, Mercury Ancient Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1081 Dragon, Mercury Great Wyrm Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1082 Dragon, Mercury Juvenile Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1083 Dragon, Mercury Mature Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1084 Dragon, Mercury Old Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1085 Dragon, Mercury Very Old Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1086 Dragon, Mercury Very Young Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1087 Dragon, Mercury Wyrm Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1088 Dragon, Mercury Wyrmling Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1089 Dragon, Mercury Young Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1090 Dragon, Mercury Young Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1091 Dragon, Mist Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1092 Dragon, Mist Ancient Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1093 Dragon, Mist Great Wyrm Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1094 Dragon, Mist Juvenile Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1095 Dragon, Mist Mature Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1096 Dragon, Mist Old Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1097 Dragon, Mist Very Old Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1098 Dragon, Mist Very Young Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1099 Dragon, Mist Wyrm Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1100 Dragon, Mist Wyrmling Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1101 Dragon, Mist Young Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1102 Dragon, Mist Young Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1103 Dragon, Nickel Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1104 Dragon, Nickel Ancient Dragon Dragon #356
1105 Dragon, Nickel Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
1106 Dragon, Nickel Juvenile Dragon Dragon #356
1107 Dragon, Nickel Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1108 Dragon, Nickel Old Dragon Dragon #356
1109 Dragon, Nickel Very old Dragon Dragon #356
1110 Dragon, Nickel Very young Dragon Dragon #356
1111 Dragon, Nickel Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
1112 Dragon, Nickel Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #356
1113 Dragon, Nickel Young Dragon Dragon #356
1114 Dragon, Nickel Young Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1115 Dragon, Obsidian Adult Dragon Web
1116 Dragon, Obsidian Ancient Dragon Web
1117 Dragon, Obsidian Great Wyrm Dragon Web
1118 Dragon, Obsidian Juvenile Dragon Web
1119 Dragon, Obsidian Mature Adult Dragon Web
1120 Dragon, Obsidian Old Dragon Web
1121 Dragon, Obsidian Very Old Dragon Web
1122 Dragon, Obsidian Very Young Dragon Web
1123 Dragon, Obsidian Wyrm Dragon Web
1124 Dragon, Obsidian Wyrmling Dragon Web
1125 Dragon, Obsidian Young Dragon Web
1126 Dragon, Obsidian Young Adult Dragon Web
1127 Dragon, Oceanus Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1128 Dragon, Oceanus Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
1129 Dragon, Oceanus Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1130 Dragon, Oceanus Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
1131 Dragon, Oceanus Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1132 Dragon, Oceanus Old Dragon Draconomicon
1133 Dragon, Oceanus Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1134 Dragon, Oceanus Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1135 Dragon, Oceanus Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1136 Dragon, Oceanus Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1137 Dragon, Oceanus Young Dragon Draconomicon
1138 Dragon, Oceanus Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1139 Dragon, Orange Adult Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1140 Dragon, Orange Ancient Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1141 Dragon, Orange Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1142 Dragon, Orange Juvenile Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1143 Dragon, Orange Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1144 Dragon, Orange Old Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1145 Dragon, Orange Very Old Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1146 Dragon, Orange Very Young Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1147 Dragon, Orange Wyrm Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1148 Dragon, Orange Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1149 Dragon, Orange Young Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1150 Dragon, Orange Young Adult Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1151 Dragon, Purple Adult Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1152 Dragon, Purple Ancient Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1153 Dragon, Purple Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1154 Dragon, Purple Juvenile Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1155 Dragon, Purple Mature Adult Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1156 Dragon, Purple Old Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1157 Dragon, Purple Very Old Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1158 Dragon, Purple Very Young Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1159 Dragon, Purple Wyrm Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1160 Dragon, Purple Wyrmling Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1161 Dragon, Purple Young Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1162 Dragon, Purple Young Adult Dragon Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1163 Dragon, Pyroclastic Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1164 Dragon, Pyroclastic Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
1165 Dragon, Pyroclastic Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1166 Dragon, Pyroclastic Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
1167 Dragon, Pyroclastic Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1168 Dragon, Pyroclastic Old Dragon Draconomicon
1169 Dragon, Pyroclastic Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1170 Dragon, Pyroclastic Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1171 Dragon, Pyroclastic Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1172 Dragon, Pyroclastic Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1173 Dragon, Pyroclastic Young Dragon Draconomicon
1174 Dragon, Pyroclastic Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1175 Dragon, Radiant Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1176 Dragon, Radiant Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
1177 Dragon, Radiant Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1178 Dragon, Radiant Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
1179 Dragon, Radiant Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1180 Dragon, Radiant Old Dragon Draconomicon
1181 Dragon, Radiant Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1182 Dragon, Radiant Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1183 Dragon, Radiant Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1184 Dragon, Radiant Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1185 Dragon, Radiant Young Dragon Draconomicon
1186 Dragon, Radiant Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1187 Dragon, Rattlyr, Adult Dragon Shining South
1188 Dragon, Rattlyr, Ancient Dragon Shining South
1189 Dragon, Rattlyr, Great Wyrm Dragon Shining South
1190 Dragon, Rattlyr, Juvenile Dragon Shining South
1191 Dragon, Rattlyr, Mature Adult Dragon Shining South
1192 Dragon, Rattlyr, Old Dragon Shining South
1193 Dragon, Rattlyr, Very Old Dragon Shining South
1194 Dragon, Rattlyr, Very Young Dragon Shining South
1195 Dragon, Rattlyr, Wyrm Dragon Shining South
1196 Dragon, Rattlyr, Wyrmling Dragon Shining South
1197 Dragon, Rattlyr, Young Dragon Shining South
1198 Dragon, Rattlyr, Young Adult Dragon Shining South
1199 Dragon, Red Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1200 Dragon, Red Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
1201 Dragon, Red Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1202 Dragon, Red Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
1203 Dragon, Red Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1204 Dragon, Red Old Dragon Monster Manual
1205 Dragon, Red Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
1206 Dragon, Red Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
1207 Dragon, Red Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1208 Dragon, Red Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
1209 Dragon, Red Young Dragon Monster Manual
1210 Dragon, Red Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1211 Dragon, Rust Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1212 Dragon, Rust Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
1213 Dragon, Rust Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1214 Dragon, Rust Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
1215 Dragon, Rust Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1216 Dragon, Rust Old Dragon Draconomicon
1217 Dragon, Rust Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1218 Dragon, Rust Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1219 Dragon, Rust Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1220 Dragon, Rust Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1221 Dragon, Rust Young Dragon Draconomicon
1222 Dragon, Rust Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1223 Dragon, Sand Adult Dragon Sandstorm
1224 Dragon, Sand Ancient Dragon Sandstorm
1225 Dragon, Sand Great Wyrm Dragon Sandstorm
1226 Dragon, Sand Juvenile Dragon Sandstorm
1227 Dragon, Sand Mature Adult Dragon Sandstorm
1228 Dragon, Sand Old Dragon Sandstorm
1229 Dragon, Sand Very Old Dragon Sandstorm
1230 Dragon, Sand Very Young Dragon Sandstorm
1231 Dragon, Sand Wyrm Dragon Sandstorm
1232 Dragon, Sand Wyrmling Dragon Sandstorm
1233 Dragon, Sand Young Dragon Sandstorm
1234 Dragon, Sand Young Adult Dragon Sandstorm
1235 Dragon, Sapphire Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
1236 Dragon, Sapphire Ancient Dragon Monster Manual II
1237 Dragon, Sapphire Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
1238 Dragon, Sapphire Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual II
1239 Dragon, Sapphire Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
1240 Dragon, Sapphire Old Dragon Monster Manual II
1241 Dragon, Sapphire Very Old Dragon Monster Manual II
1242 Dragon, Sapphire Very Young Dragon Monster Manual II
1243 Dragon, Sapphire Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
1244 Dragon, Sapphire Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual II
1245 Dragon, Sapphire Young Dragon Monster Manual II
1246 Dragon, Sapphire Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
1247 Dragon, Shadow Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1248 Dragon, Shadow Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
1249 Dragon, Shadow Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1250 Dragon, Shadow Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
1251 Dragon, Shadow Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1252 Dragon, Shadow Old Dragon Draconomicon
1253 Dragon, Shadow Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1254 Dragon, Shadow Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1255 Dragon, Shadow Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1256 Dragon, Shadow Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1257 Dragon, Shadow Young Dragon Draconomicon
1258 Dragon, Shadow Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1259 Dragon, Silver Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1260 Dragon, Silver Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
1261 Dragon, Silver Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1262 Dragon, Silver Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
1263 Dragon, Silver Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1264 Dragon, Silver Old Dragon Monster Manual
1265 Dragon, Silver Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
1266 Dragon, Silver Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
1267 Dragon, Silver Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1268 Dragon, Silver Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
1269 Dragon, Silver Young Dragon Monster Manual
1270 Dragon, Silver Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1271 Dragon, Song Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1272 Dragon, Song Ancient Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1273 Dragon, Song Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1274 Dragon, Song Juvenile Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1275 Dragon, Song Mature Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1276 Dragon, Song Old Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1277 Dragon, Song Very Old Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1278 Dragon, Song Very Young Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1279 Dragon, Song Wyrm Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1280 Dragon, Song Wyrmling Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1281 Dragon, Song Young Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1282 Dragon, Song Young Adult Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1283 Dragon, Steel Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1284 Dragon, Steel Ancient Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1285 Dragon, Steel Great Wyrm Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1286 Dragon, Steel Juvenile Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1287 Dragon, Steel Mature Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1288 Dragon, Steel Old Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1289 Dragon, Steel Very Old Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1290 Dragon, Steel Very Young Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1291 Dragon, Steel Wyrm Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1292 Dragon, Steel Wyrmling Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1293 Dragon, Steel Young Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1294 Dragon, Steel Young Adult Dragon Dragons of Faerûn
1295 Dragon, Styx Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1296 Dragon, Styx Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
1297 Dragon, Styx Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1298 Dragon, Styx Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
1299 Dragon, Styx Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1300 Dragon, Styx Old Dragon Draconomicon
1301 Dragon, Styx Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1302 Dragon, Styx Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1303 Dragon, Styx Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1304 Dragon, Styx Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1305 Dragon, Styx Young Dragon Draconomicon
1306 Dragon, Styx Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1307 Dragon, Tarterian Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1308 Dragon, Tarterian Ancient Dragon Draconomicon
1309 Dragon, Tarterian Great Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1310 Dragon, Tarterian Juvenile Dragon Draconomicon
1311 Dragon, Tarterian Mature Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1312 Dragon, Tarterian Old Dragon Draconomicon
1313 Dragon, Tarterian Very Old Dragon Draconomicon
1314 Dragon, Tarterian Very Young Dragon Draconomicon
1315 Dragon, Tarterian Wyrm Dragon Draconomicon
1316 Dragon, Tarterian Wyrmling Dragon Draconomicon
1317 Dragon, Tarterian Young Dragon Draconomicon
1318 Dragon, Tarterian Young Adult Dragon Draconomicon
1319 Dragon, Tome Adult Dragon Dragon #343
1320 Dragon, Tome Ancient Dragon Dragon #343
1321 Dragon, Tome Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #343
1322 Dragon, Tome Juvenile Dragon Dragon #343
1323 Dragon, Tome Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #343
1324 Dragon, Tome Old Dragon Dragon #343
1325 Dragon, Tome Very old Dragon Dragon #343
1326 Dragon, Tome Very young Dragon Dragon #343
1327 Dragon, Tome Wyrm Dragon Dragon #343
1328 Dragon, Tome Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #343
1329 Dragon, Tome Young Dragon Dragon #343
1330 Dragon, Tome Young Adult Dragon Dragon #343
1331 Dragon, Topaz Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
1332 Dragon, Topaz Ancient Dragon Monster Manual II
1333 Dragon, Topaz Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
1334 Dragon, Topaz Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual II
1335 Dragon, Topaz Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
1336 Dragon, Topaz Old Dragon Monster Manual II
1337 Dragon, Topaz Very Old Dragon Monster Manual II
1338 Dragon, Topaz Very Young Dragon Monster Manual II
1339 Dragon, Topaz Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
1340 Dragon, Topaz Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual II
1341 Dragon, Topaz Young Dragon Monster Manual II
1342 Dragon, Topaz Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual II
1343 Dragon, Tungsten Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1344 Dragon, Tungsten Ancient Dragon Dragon #356
1345 Dragon, Tungsten Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
1346 Dragon, Tungsten Juvenile Dragon Dragon #356
1347 Dragon, Tungsten Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1348 Dragon, Tungsten Old Dragon Dragon #356
1349 Dragon, Tungsten Very old Dragon Dragon #356
1350 Dragon, Tungsten Very young Dragon Dragon #356
1351 Dragon, Tungsten Wyrm Dragon Dragon #356
1352 Dragon, Tungsten Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #356
1353 Dragon, Tungsten Young Dragon Dragon #356
1354 Dragon, Tungsten Young Adult Dragon Dragon #356
1355 Dragon, White Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1356 Dragon, White Ancient Dragon Monster Manual
1357 Dragon, White Great Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1358 Dragon, White Juvenile Dragon Monster Manual
1359 Dragon, White Mature Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1360 Dragon, White Old Dragon Monster Manual
1361 Dragon, White Very Old Dragon Monster Manual
1362 Dragon, White Very Young Dragon Monster Manual
1363 Dragon, White Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual
1364 Dragon, White Wyrmling Dragon Monster Manual
1365 Dragon, White Young Dragon Monster Manual
1366 Dragon, White Young Adult Dragon Monster Manual
1367 Dragon, Yellow Adult Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1368 Dragon, Yellow Ancient Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1369 Dragon, Yellow Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1370 Dragon, Yellow Juvenile Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1371 Dragon, Yellow Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1372 Dragon, Yellow Old Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1373 Dragon, Yellow Very Old Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1374 Dragon, Yellow Very Young Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1375 Dragon, Yellow Wyrm Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1376 Dragon, Yellow Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1377 Dragon, Yellow Young Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1378 Dragon, Yellow Young Adult Dragon Dragon #248
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1379 Dragonkin Monstrous Humanoid Draconomicon
1380 Dragonne Magical Beast Monster Manual
1381 Dragonne, Axiomatic* Magical Beast Planar Handbook
1382 Dragonne, Smoke Element* Elemental Dragon #347
1383 Dragonnel Dragon Draconomicon
1384 Dragon Eel Dragon Monster Manual III
1385 Dragon Newt Animal Web
1386 Dragon Newt, Psionic Magical Beast Web
1387 Dragon Turtle Dragon Monster Manual
1388 Drake, Abyssal Outsider Draconomicon
1389 Drake, Air Dragon Draconomicon
1390 Drake, Ambush Dragon Monster Manual III
1391 Drake, Earth Dragon Draconomicon
1392 Drake, Fire Dragon Draconomicon
1393 Drake, Ice Dragon Draconomicon
1394 Drake, Magma Dragon Draconomicon
1395 Drake, Mind Dragon Web
1396 Drake, Ooze Dragon Draconomicon
1397 Drake, Rage Dragon Monster Manual III
1398 Drake, Rage, Fiendish Dragon Monster Manual III
1399 Drake, Smoke Dragon Draconomicon
1400 Drake, Storm Dragon Draconomicon
1401 Drake, Temporal Dragon Web
1402 Drake, Water Dragon Draconomicon
1403 Dread Undead Lost Empires of Faerûn
1404 Dread Guard Construct Monster Manual II
1405 Dread Warrior* Undead Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
Lost Empires of Faerûn
1406 Dream Vestige Undead Libris Mortis
1407 Drelb (Haunting Custodian) Outsider Converted
1408 Dretch Outsider Monster Manual
1409 Drider Aberration Monster Manual
1410 Drider, Goblin Warrior* Aberration Web
1411 Drider, Hill Dwarf Fighter* Aberration Web
1412 Drider Vampire Undead City of the Spider Queen
1413 Drowned Undead Monster Manual III
1414 Dryad Fey Monster Manual
1415 Duergar Humanoid Monster Manual
1416 Dune Hag Monstrous Humanoid Sandstorm
1417 Dune Reaper Drone Magical Beast Dungeon #111
1418 Dune Reaper Warrior Magical Beast Dungeon #111
1419 Dune Stalker Outsider Monster Manual II
1420 Dune Winder Magical Beast Sandstorm
1421 Dungeonbred Chimera, Blue* Magical Beast Dungeonscape
1422 Duodrone (Base Modron) Construct Dragon #354
1423 Dusk Beast Outsider Manual of the Planes
1424 Dustblight Aberration Sandstorm
1425 Dustform Giant Banded Lizard Construct Sandstorm
1426 Dust Digger Aberration Converted
1427 Dust Twister Elemental Sandstorm
1428 Dust Wight Undead Monster Manual III
1429 Du'lora Quori Outsider Dragon #324
1430 Dwarf, Arctic Humanoid Monster Manual (3E)
1431 Dwarf, Badlands Humanoid Sandstorm
1432 Dwarf, Deep Humanoid Monster Manual
1433 Dwarf, Frost Humanoid Planar Handbook
1434 Dwarf, Glacier, Warrior 1 Humanoid Frostburn
1435 Dwarf, Gold Humanoid Monster Manual (3E)
1436 Dwarf, Hill Humanoid Monster Manual
1437 Dwarf, Midgard Outsider Frostburn
1438 Dwarf, Mountain Humanoid Monster Manual
1439 Dwarf, Shield Humanoid Monster Manual (3E)
1440 Dwarf, Wild Humanoid Monster Manual (3E)
1441 Dwarf Ancestor Outsider Monster Manual IV
1442 Dweomervore Dragon City of Splendors: Waterdeep
1443 Dybbuk Outsider Fiendish Codex I
1444 Dzalmus, Adult Dragon Dragon #349
1445 Dzalmus, Ancient Dragon Dragon #349
1446 Dzalmus, Great Wyrm Dragon Dragon #349
1447 Dzalmus, Juvenile Dragon Dragon #349
1448 Dzalmus, Mature Adult Dragon Dragon #349
1449 Dzalmus, Old Dragon Dragon #349
1450 Dzalmus, Very old Dragon Dragon #349
1451 Dzalmus, Very young Dragon Dragon #349
1452 Dzalmus, Wyrm Dragon Dragon #349
1453 Dzalmus, Wyrmling Dragon Dragon #349
1454 Dzalmus, Young Dragon Dragon #349
1455 Dzalmus, Young Adult Dragon Dragon #349
1456 Eagle Animal Monster Manual
1457 Eagle, Behemoth Outsider Epic Level Handbook
1458 Eagle, Giant Magical Beast Monster Manual
1459 Earthcancer Centipede Undead Dungeon #134
1460 Earthdelver Elemental Dungeon #111
1461 Earth Gen Outsider Dragon #316
1462 Earth Glider Outsider Underdark
1463 Earth Necromental, Large* Undead Libris Mortis
1464 Ear Seeker Vermin Converted
1465 Ecalypse Outsider Manual of the Planes
1466 Echinoloth (Yugoloth) Outsider Stormwrack
1467 Ectoplasmic Swarm Magical Beast Complete Psionic
1468 Ectoplasm Elemental, Elder Elemental Web
1469 Ectoplasm Elemental, Greater Elemental Web
1470 Ectoplasm Elemental, Huge Elemental Web
1471 Ectoplasm Elemental, Large Elemental Web
1472 Ectoplasm Elemental, Medium Elemental Web
1473 Ectoplasm Elemental, Small Elemental Web
1474 Ecto Fragment, Bit Aberration Web
1475 Ecto Fragment, Jot Aberration Web
1476 Ecto Fragment, Minim Aberration Web
1477 Ecto Fragment, Mite Aberration Web
1478 Ecto Fragment, Mote Aberration Web
1479 Ecto Fragment, Speck Aberration Web
1480 Eel Animal Stormwrack
1481 Eel, Electric Animal Converted
1482 Eel, Moray Animal Dragon #328
1483 Effigy Undead Monster Manual II
1484 Effigy, Dire Lion* Construct Complete Arcane
1485 Efreeti Outsider Monster Manual
1486 Einsaung Nat Fey Oriental Adventures
1487 Ekolid Outsider Fiendish Codex I
1488 Elasmosaurus Animal Monster Manual
1489 Elder Brain Aberration Lords of Madness
1490 Elder Eidolon Kraken Construct Lords of Madness
1491 Elder Serpent Huge Viper* Magical Beast Dragon #313
1492 Eldritch Archer Undead Dragon #317
1493 Elemental, Elder, Air Elemental Monster Manual
1494 Elemental, Elder, Earth Elemental Monster Manual
1495 Elemental, Elder, Fire Elemental Monster Manual
1496 Elemental, Elder, Water Elemental Monster Manual
1497 Elemental, Greater, Air Elemental Monster Manual
1498 Elemental, Greater, Earth Elemental Monster Manual
1499 Elemental, Greater, Fire Elemental Monster Manual
1500 Elemental, Greater, Water Elemental Monster Manual
1501 Elemental, Huge, Air Elemental Monster Manual
1502 Elemental, Huge, Earth Elemental Monster Manual
1503 Elemental, Huge, Fire Elemental Monster Manual
1504 Elemental, Huge, Water Elemental Monster Manual
1505 Elemental, Large, Air Elemental Monster Manual
1506 Elemental, Large, Earth Elemental Monster Manual
1507 Elemental, Large, Fire Elemental Monster Manual
1508 Elemental, Large, Water Elemental Monster Manual
1509 Elemental, Medium, Air Elemental Monster Manual
1510 Elemental, Medium, Earth Elemental Monster Manual
1511 Elemental, Medium, Fire Elemental Monster Manual
1512 Elemental, Medium, Water Elemental Monster Manual
1513 Elemental, Primal Air Elemental Epic Level Handbook
1514 Elemental, Primal Earth Elemental Epic Level Handbook
1515 Elemental, Primal Fire Elemental Epic Level Handbook
1516 Elemental, Primal Water Elemental Epic Level Handbook
1517 Elemental, Small, Air Elemental Monster Manual
1518 Elemental, Small, Earth Elemental Monster Manual
1519 Elemental, Small, Fire Elemental Monster Manual
1520 Elemental, Small, Water Elemental Monster Manual
1521 Elemental, Storm, Elder Elemental Monster Manual III
1522 Elemental, Storm, Greater Elemental Monster Manual III
1523 Elemental, Storm, Huge Elemental Monster Manual III
1524 Elemental, Storm, Large Elemental Monster Manual III
1525 Elemental, Storm, Medium Elemental Monster Manual III
1526 Elemental, Storm, Small Elemental Monster Manual III
1527 Elementite Swarm, Air Elemental Planar Handbook
1528 Elementite Swarm, Earth Elemental Planar Handbook
1529 Elementite Swarm, Fire Elemental Planar Handbook
1530 Elementite Swarm, Water Elemental Planar Handbook
1531 Elephant Animal Monster Manual
1532 Elephant, Undead War Undead Dragon Annual 5
1533 Elf Humanoid Monster Manual
1534 Elf, Aquatic Humanoid Stormwrack
1535 Elf, Aquatic Dolphin Rider Humanoid Stormwrack
1536 Elf, Drow Humanoid Monster Manual
1537 Elf, Drow (Arcane Guard) Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1538 Elf, Drow (Drow Priestess) Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1539 Elf, Drow ninja 4 (Lloth's Sting) Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1540 Elf, Drow scout 6 (Dark Sniper) Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1541 Elf, Gray Humanoid Monster Manual
1542 Elf, Wild (Grugach) Humanoid Monster Manual
1543 Elf, Wood Humanoid Monster Manual
1544 Elgonn Animal Dragon #345
1545 Elk Animal Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
1546 Elsewhale Magical Beast Planar Handbook
1547 Eltab, Lord of the Hidden Layer Outsider Champions of Ruin
1548 Elven Hound Magical Beast Heroes of Battle
1549 Elysian Thrush Magical Beast Planar Handbook
1550 Emberling Elemental Complete Psionic
1551 Embrac Aberration Lords of Madness
1552 Emprix (humanoid form) Outsider Web
1553 Emprix (star form) Outsider Web
1554 Entombed Undead Frostburn
1555 Entomber Undead Libris Mortis
1556 Entropic Reaper Undead Libris Mortis
1557 Ephemeral Hangman Aberration Tome of Magic
1558 Equiceph Monstrous Humanoid Miniatures Handbook
1559 Equinal Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
1560 Erdlu Animal Dungeon #111
1561 Erinyes Outsider Monster Manual
1562 Ermalkankari Dragon Dragon #284
1563 Erudite Owl Construct Dragon #341
1564 Ethereal Filcher Aberration Monster Manual
1565 Ethereal Marauder Magical Beast Monster Manual
1566 Ethereal Slayer Outsider Monster Manual II
1567 Ethergaunt, Black Aberration Fiend Folio
1568 Ethergaunt, Red Aberration Fiend Folio
1569 Ethergaunt, White Aberration Fiend Folio
1570 Ether Scarab Outsider Monster Manual II
1571 Ettercap Aberration Monster Manual
1572 Ettin Giant Monster Manual
1573 Evolved Wraith* Undead Libris Mortis
1574 Executioner's Hood Aberration Converted
1575 Eyewing Outsider Converted
1576 Eye Of Fear And Flame Undead Book of Vile Darkness
1577 Eye of the Deep Aberration Lords of Madness
1578 Faerie Dragon Dragon Converted
1579 Faerzress-infused Minotaur* Monstrous Humanoid Underdark
1580 Famine Spirit Undead Monster Manual II
1581 Faranth Aberration Dungeon #85
1582 Farastu Outsider Fiend Folio
1583 Faun Fey Deities and Demigods
1584 Faze Aberration Web
1585 Felldrake, Crested Dragon Monster Manual II
1586 Felldrake, Horned Dragon Monster Manual II
1587 Felldrake, Spiked Dragon Draconomicon
1588 Felldrake, Spitting Dragon Monster Manual II
1589 Fensir Giant Fiend Folio
1590 Feral Yowler Magical Beast Monster Manual III
1591 Ferret Animal Web
1592 Ferrumach (Rilmani) Outsider Fiend Folio
1593 Feverclaw Outsider Web
1594 Feyr, Greater Aberration Dragon Annual 5
1595 Feyr, Larval Aberration Dragon Annual 5
1596 Feyr, Lesser Aberration Dragon Annual 5
1597 Feyri Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1598 Feystag Magical Beast Converted
1599 Feytouched Fey Fiend Folio
1600 Fhorge Animal Fiend Folio
1601 Fiendish Dire Rat* Magical Beast Monster Manual
1602 Fiendish Dragon Newt* Magical Beast Web
1603 Fiendish Familiar Outsider Fiend Folio
1604 Fiendwurm Magical Beast Monster Manual II
1605 Fiery Sandhog Aberration Web
1606 Fihyr Aberration Monster Manual II
1607 Fihyr, Great Aberration Monster Manual II
1608 Film of Night Ooze Web
1609 Finhead Monstrous Humanoid Converted
1610 Fire-Souled Ettin* Giant Dragon #314
1611 Firedrake Dragon Converted
1612 Firenewt Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1613 Firesnake Elemental Dungeon #111
1614 Fire Bat Elemental Monster Manual II
1615 Fire Gen Outsider Dragon #316
1616 Firre Outsider Manual of the Planes
1617 Flamebrother Outsider Monster Manual
1618 Flamebrother Larva Outsider Dragon #314
1619 Flameskull Undead Lost Empires of Faerûn
1620 Flame Snake, Greater Magical Beast Fiend Folio
1621 Flame Snake, Lesser Magical Beast Fiend Folio
1622 Flame Snake, Minor Magical Beast Fiend Folio
1623 Flatfish, Gray Animal Converted
1624 Fleshvigor Ghoul* Undead Dragon #315
1625 Floating Eye Aberration Converted
1626 Flyer Monstrous Humanoid Converted
1627 Flying Fingers Construct Dungeon #127
1628 Flying Monkey Magical Beast Dragon #334
1629 Focalor (Duke of Hell) Outsider Converted
1630 Folugub Aberration Psionics Handbook
1631 Fomorian Giant Monster Manual II
1632 Force of Nature Fey Dragon #304
1633 Fordorran Magical Beast Dungeon #111
1634 Forestfolk Fey Web
1635 Forest Sloth Animal Monster Manual II
1636 Forest Trapper (Miner) Aberration Converted
1637 Forlorn Husk Undead Sandstorm
1638 Formian Armadon Outsider Fiend Folio
1639 Formian Myrmarch Outsider Monster Manual
1640 Formian Observer Outsider Fiend Folio
1641 Formian Queen Outsider Monster Manual
1642 Formian Taskmaster Outsider Monster Manual
1643 Formian Warrior Outsider Monster Manual
1644 Formian Winged Warrior Outsider Fiend Folio
1645 Formian Worker Outsider Monster Manual
1646 Forsaken Shell Undead Libris Mortis
1647 Fossergrim Fey Fiend Folio
1648 Foulwing Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
1649 Fox Animal Converted
1650 Fox, Arctic Animal Frostburn
1651 Fox Familiar Animal Dragon #280
1652 Fraz-Urb'luu, Prince of Deception Outsider Fiendish Codex I
Dragon #333
1653 Frog, Firetongue Elemental Dragon #285
1654 Frog, Giant Magical Beast Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
1655 Frog, Giant-Small Animal Converted
1656 Frog, Giant-Tiny Animal Converted
1657 Frog, Killer Animal Dungeon #126
1658 Froghemoth Aberration Dungeon #128
1659 Frost Folk Monstrous Humanoid Frostburn
1660 Frost Salamander Magical Beast Monster Manual II
1661 Frost Worm Magical Beast Monster Manual
1662 Fulminating Crab (Zap Crab) Vermin Web
1663 Fyrefly Magical Beast Converted
1664 Fyrefly Swarm Magical Beast Converted
1665 Fyrefly Swarm, Larval Magical Beast Converted
1666 Gaj Aberration Dungeon #111
1667 Gajusian (Sonic) Crawler Vermin Web
1668 Galeb Duhr Elemental Monster Manual II
1669 Gambol Magical Beast Monster Manual II
1670 Gar, Giant Animal Dragon #321
1671 Garbler Aberration Tome of Magic
1672 Gargoyle Magical Beast Monster Manual
1673 Gargoyle, Crystal Magical Beast Web
1674 Gargoyle, Kir-lanan Monstrous Humanoid Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
1675 Gaspar Magical Beast Planar Handbook
1676 Gas Spore Plant Lords of Madness
1677 Gathra Magical Beast Fiend Folio
1678 Gauth Aberration Monster Manual
1679 Gelatinous Cube Ooze Monster Manual
1680 Gelugon (Ice Devil) Outsider Monster Manual
1681 Genasi, Air Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1682 Genasi, Earth Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1683 Genasi, Fire Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1684 Genasi, Water Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1685 Genie, Khayal Outsider Tome of Magic
1686 Genie, Qorrashi Outsider Frostburn
1687 Genius Loci Ooze Epic Level Handbook
1688 Genocid Aberration Dragon #281
1689 Geodite Elemental Complete Psionic
1690 Geriviar Giant Monster Manual III
1691 Geryon (Arch-Devil) Outsider Converted
1692 Ghaele Outsider Monster Manual
1693 Ghargatula Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
1694 Ghast Undead Monster Manual
1695 Ghastly Hill Giant* Undead Dragon #307
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1696 Ghaunadan Aberration Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1697 Gheden Half-Orc Barbarian* Humanoid Dragon #313
1698 Ghirrash Outsider Miniatures Handbook
1699 Ghost* Undead Monster Manual
1700 Ghost, Frostfell* Undead Frostburn
1701 Ghostly Adult Green Dragon* Undead Draconomicon
1702 Ghostly Visage Undead Fiend Folio
1703 Ghost Brute Cat* Undead Dragon #300
1704 Ghost Brute Hound* Undead Libris Mortis
1705 Ghoul Undead Monster Manual
1706 Ghoul, Abyssal Undead City of the Spider Queen
1707 Ghoul, True Undead Dungeon #128
1708 Ghoulish Harpy* Undead Dragon #307
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1709 Ghour Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
Lost Empires of Faerûn
1710 Giant, Bog Giant Fiend Folio
1711 Giant, Cloud Giant Monster Manual
1712 Giant, Craa'ghoran Giant Monster Manual IV
1713 Giant, Death Giant Monster Manual III
1714 Giant, Eldritch Giant Monster Manual III
1715 Giant, Eldritch, Confessor Giant Monster Manual III
1716 Giant, Firbolg Giant Monster Manual II
1717 Giant, Fire Giant Monster Manual
1718 Giant, Fog Giant Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1719 Giant, Forest Giant Monster Manual II
1720 Giant, Frost Giant Monster Manual
1721 Giant, Frost, Jarl* Giant Web
1722 Giant, Frost, Mauler Giant Frostburn
1723 Giant, Frost, Spiritspeaker Giant Frostburn
1724 Giant, Frost, Tundra Scout Giant Frostburn
1725 Giant, Hill Giant Monster Manual
1726 Giant, Mountain Giant Monster Manual II
1727 Giant, Ocean Giant Monster Manual II
1728 Giant, Phaerlin Giant Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1729 Giant, Reef Giant Converted
1730 Giant, Sand Giant Monster Manual III
1731 Giant, Sand, Champion Giant Monster Manual III
1732 Giant, Shadow Giant Fiend Folio
1733 Giant, Stone Giant Monster Manual
1734 Giant, Stone, Elder Giant Web
1735 Giant, Storm Giant Monster Manual
1736 Giant, Sun Giant Monster Manual II
1737 Giant, Verbeeg Giant Converted
1738 Giant, Voadkyn Giant Converted
1739 Giant Ant, Queen Vermin Monster Manual
1740 Giant Ant, Soldier Vermin Monster Manual
1741 Giant Ant, Worker Vermin Monster Manual
1742 Giant Ant Lion Vermin Sandstorm
1743 Giant Banded Lizard Animal Sandstorm
1744 Giant Beaver Magical Beast Converted
1745 Giant Bee Vermin Monster Manual
1746 Giant Beetle, Bombardier Vermin Monster Manual
1747 Giant Beetle, Boring Vermin Converted
1748 Giant Beetle, Fire Vermin Monster Manual
1749 Giant Beetle, Stag Vermin Monster Manual
1750 Giant Beetle, Water Vermin Converted
1751 Giant Crab Vermin Converted
1752 Giant Crayfish Vermin Converted
1753 Giant Dragonfly Vermin Arms and Equipment Guide
1754 Giant Firefly Vermin Arms and Equipment Guide
1755 Giant Fly Vermin Web
1756 Giant Fly Maggot Vermin Web
1757 Giant Leech, Greater Small Animal Converted
1758 Giant Leech, Lesser Small Animal Converted
1759 Giant Leech, Medium Animal Converted
1760 Giant Leech, Tiny Animal Converted
1761 Giant Moray Eel Animal Converted
1762 Giant Praying Mantis Vermin Monster Manual
1763 Giant Slug Vermin Converted
1764 Giant Space Hamster Animal Converted
1765 Giant Strider Magical Beast Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1766 Giant Tick, Greater Vermin Converted
1767 Giant Tick, Lesser Vermin Dragon #321
1768 Giant Tick, Minor Vermin Converted
1769 Giant Wasp Vermin Monster Manual
1770 Gibbering Mouther Aberration Lords of Madness
1771 Gibbering Orb Aberration Epic Level Handbook
1772 Gibberling Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1773 Gigantosaurus Animal Dragon #318
1774 Girallon Magical Beast Monster Manual
1775 Gish, Githyanki Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1776 Githyanki Humanoid Monster Manual
1777 Githyanki Captain Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1778 Githyanki Soldier Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1779 Githzerai Outsider Monster Manual
1780 Glabrezu Outsider Monster Manual
1781 Glacierdrak Dragon Web
1782 Glaistig Fey Monster Manual III
1783 Glaistig Mindbender Fey Monster Manual III
1784 Glamer Outsider Dragon #299
1785 Glasspane Horror Aberration Dragon #89
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1786 Glass Dragonfly Construct Dragon #341
1787 Glasya (Princess of Hell) Outsider Converted
1788 Glimmerfolk Outsider Dragon #321
1789 Glimmerskin Outsider Monster Manual II
1790 Glitterfire Ooze Monster Manual III
1791 Glitterhaunt Fey Web
1792 Gloom Monstrous Humanoid Epic Level Handbook
1793 Gloomwing Magical Beast Converted
1794 Gloura Fey Underdark
1795 Glyptodon Animal Frostburn
1796 Gnoll Humanoid Monster Manual
1797 Gnoll, Fiendish Cleric of Yeenoghu Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1798 Gnoll, Flind Humanoid Monster Manual III
1799 Gnoll Slave-Taker Humanoid Monster Manual IV
1800 Gnome Humanoid Monster Manual
1801 Gnome, Fire Humanoid Planar Handbook
1802 Gnome, Forest Humanoid Monster Manual
1803 Goat Animal Converted
1804 Goat, Mountain Animal Converted
1805 Goatfolk (Ibixian) Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
1806 Goblin Humanoid Monster Manual
1807 Goblin, Dark Humanoid Tome of Magic
1808 Goblin, Dekanter Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1809 Goblin, Forestkith (Barbarian) Humanoid Monster Manual III
1810 Goblin, Forestkith (Warrior) Humanoid Monster Manual III
1811 Goblin, Snow Humanoid Frostburn
1812 Goblin, Teerac Humanoid Converted
1813 Golden Protector Dragon Monster Manual
1814 Golem, Adamantine Construct Epic Level Handbook
1815 Golem, Alchemical Construct Monster Manual III
1816 Golem, Black Ice Construct Dragon #324
1817 Golem, Blood Golem of Hextor Construct Fiend Folio
1818 Golem, Brain Construct Fiend Folio
1819 Golem, Brass Construct Monster Manual II
1820 Golem, Chain Construct Monster Manual
1821 Golem, Clay Construct Monster Manual
1822 Golem, Coal Construct Web
1823 Golem, Coral Construct Stormwrack
1824 Golem, Demonflesh Construct Fiend Folio
1825 Golem, Diamond Construct Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1826 Golem, Dragonbone Construct Draconomicon
1827 Golem, Dragonflesh Construct Monster Manual II
1828 Golem, Drakestone Construct Draconomicon
1829 Golem, Emerald Construct Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1830 Golem, Equine Construct Arms and Equipment Guide
1831 Golem, Fang Construct Monster Manual IV
1832 Golem, Flesh Construct Monster Manual
1833 Golem, Fungus Construct Dragon #341
1834 Golem, Gloom Construct Monster Manual III
1835 Golem, Gold Construct Web
1836 Golem, Grave Dirt Construct Libris Mortis
1837 Golem, Hangman Construct Monster Manual III
1838 Golem, Hellfire Construct Fiend Folio
1839 Golem, Ice Construct Frostburn
1840 Golem, Iron Construct Monster Manual
1841 Golem, Ironwyrm Construct Draconomicon
1842 Golem, Junk Construct Dragon #341
1843 Golem, Mithral Construct Lost Empires of Faerûn
1844 Golem, Mud Construct Monster Manual III
1845 Golem, Paper Construct Dragon #341
1846 Golem, Prismatic Construct Monster Manual III
1847 Golem, Puzzle Complete Construct Dragon #302
1848 Golem, Puzzle Piece, Medium Construct Dragon #302
1849 Golem, Puzzle Piece, Small Construct Dragon #302
1850 Golem, Puzzle Piece, Tiny Construct Dragon #302
1851 Golem, Razor Construct Web
1852 Golem, Relief Construct Dragon #334
1853 Golem, Rope Construct Dragon #302
1854 Golem, Ruby Construct Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1855 Golem, Rune Construct Dragon #343
1856 Golem, Sand Construct Sandstorm
1857 Golem, Sardorian Construct Web
1858 Golem, Seige Construct Cityscape
1859 Golem, Serpentflesh Construct Serpent Kingdoms
1860 Golem, Shadesteel Construct Monster Manual III
1861 Golem, Shadesteel, Greater Construct Monster Manual III
1862 Golem, Sickstone Construct Web
1863 Golem, Spiderstone Construct City of the Spider Queen
1864 Golem, Stained Glass Construct Monster Manual II
1865 Golem, Stone Construct Monster Manual
1866 Golem, Stone, Greater Construct Web
1867 Golem, Thayan Construct Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1868 Golem, Tin Construct Dragon #341
1869 Golem, Wax Construct Dragon #341
1870 Golem, Web Construct Monster Manual III
1871 Golem, Wood Construct Dragon #341
1872 Golem Swarm Construct Dragon #309
1873 Goose Animal Converted
1874 Gopher Animal Converted
1875 Gorgahydra* Magical Beast Web
1876 Gorgimera Magical Beast
1877 Gorgon Magical Beast Monster Manual
1878 Gorilla, Behemoth Outsider Epic Level Handbook
1879 Goristro Outsider Manual of the Planes
Fiendish Codex I
1880 Gorynych Dragon Lost Empires of Faerûn
1881 Grandfather Plaque Construct Dragon #223
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
1882 Gravbeast Magical Beast Web
1883 Gravecrawler Undead Monster Manual II
1884 Gravehound Undead Miniatures Handbook
1885 Gravetouched Ghoul* Undead Libris Mortis
1886 Gravewyrm Dragon Web
1887 Gravorg Magical Beast Monster Manual II
1888 Gray Fungus Plant Web
1889 Gray Render Magical Beast Monster Manual
1890 Gray Shiver Magical Beast Dragon #343
1891 Graz'zt, The Dark Prince Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
1892 Great Soarer Animal Converted
1893 Greenbound Troll Plant Lost Empires of Faerûn
1894 Greenvise Plant Monster Manual II
1895 Green Guardian Plant Dragon #304
1896 Green Hag Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
1897 Green Slime Ooze Web
1898 Green Warder Plant Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1899 Grell Aberration Lords of Madness
1900 Grell Hatchling Aberration Lords of Madness
1901 Grell Juvenile Aberration Lords of Madness
1902 Grell Patriarch (Grell wizard 7) Aberration Lords of Madness
1903 Grell Philosopher Aberration Lords of Madness
1904 Gremlin, 1st level warrior Humanoid Converted
1905 Grick Aberration Monster Manual
1906 Griffon Magical Beast Monster Manual
1907 Grig Fey Monster Manual
1908 Grimalkin Magical Beast Monster Manual II
1909 Grimlock Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
1910 Grimweird Undead Monster Manual III
1911 Grippli Humanoid Converted
1912 Grisgol Construct Monster Manual III
1913 Groundling Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1914 Guardgoyle Construct City of Splendors: Waterdeep
1915 Guardian, Blade Construct Compete Warrior
1916 Guardian, Gauntlet Construct Compete Warrior
1917 Guardian, Spark Construct Compete Warrior
1918 Guardian Gorgon* Magical Beast Dungeonscape
1919 Guardian Ship Construct Dragon #333
1920 Guardian Steed Magical Beast Dragon #309
1921 Guecubu Outsider Fiendish Codex I
1922 Guineafowl Animal Web
1923 Gulgar Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
1924 Gulguthydra Aberration Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1925 Gutpuppet Aberration Web
1926 Guttersnipe Construct Monster Manual II
1927 Gutworm Outsider Fiend Folio
1928 Gynosphinx Magical Beast Monster Manual
1929 Ha-Naga Aberration Epic Level Handbook
1930 Ha-Naga, Faerunian Aberration Serpent Kingdoms
1931 Hadozee Humanoid Stormwrack
1932 Hadozee First Mate Humanoid Stormwrack
1933 Hagspawn (War1) Monstrous Humanoid Unapproachable East
1934 Hagunemnon (Protean) Aberration Epic Level Handbook
1935 Hag Countess, Lord Of The Sixth Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
1936 Half-Celestial/Half-Unicorn* Outsider Monster Manual (3E)
1937 Half-Celestial/Human* Outsider Monster Manual
1938 Half-Dragon (Black)/Human* Dragon Monster Manual
1939 Half-Dragon (Red)/Half-Ogre* Dragon Monster Manual (3E)
1940 Half-Farspawn Gray Render* Outsider Lords of Madness
1941 Half-Fey* Fey Fiend Folio
1942 Half-Fiend, Durzagon Outsider Monster Manual II
1943 Half-Fiend/Half-Medusa* Outsider Monster Manual (3E)
1944 Half-Fiend/Human* Outsider Monster Manual
1945 Half-Fiend Draegloth Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1946 Half-Fiend Gnoll Warlock Outsider Monster Manual IV
1947 Half-Fiend Tanttur Outsider Web
1948 Half-Golem, Clay* Construct Monster Manual II
1949 Half-Golem, Flesh* Construct Monster Manual II
1950 Half-Golem, Iron* Construct Monster Manual II
1951 Half-Golem, Stone* Construct Monster Manual II
1952 Half-Illithid Lizardfolk* Aberration Fiend Folio
1953 Half-Janni* Humanoid Sandstorm
1954 Half-Troll* Giant Fiend Folio
1955 Half-Vampire Gnoll Barbarian* Humanoid Libris Mortis
1956 Halfling Humanoid Monster Manual
1957 Halfling, Deep Humanoid Monster Manual
1958 Halfling, Tallfellow Humanoid Monster Manual
1959 Hamaguan Monstrous Humanoid Web
1960 Hamatula Outsider Monster Manual
1961 Hammerclaw Magical Beast Stormwrack
1962 Hammerer Construct Dragon #287
1963 Hammerfish Magical Beast Web
1964 Hangman Tree Plant Converted
1965 Hannya Monstrous Humanoid Oriental Adventures
1966 Haraknin (Hell Hound Form) Outsider Fiend Folio
1967 Haraknin (Humanoid Form) Outsider Fiend Folio
1968 Hare Animal Dragon #280
1969 Harginn (Fire Grue) Elemental Complete Arcane
1970 Harpy Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
1971 Harrla Undead Converted
1972 Harssaf Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
1973 Harvester Devil (Falxugon) Outsider Fiendish Codex II
1974 Hashalaq Quori Outsider Dragon #324
1975 Hatori Animal Converted
1976 Hawk Animal Monster Manual
1977 Hebi-No-Onna Monstrous Humanoid Oriental Adventures
1978 Hedgehog Animal Converted
1979 Helicoprion Animal Dragon #318
1980 Hellcat (Bezekira) Outsider Monster Manual
1981 Hellchain Weaver Outsider Dragon #343
1982 Hellfire Engine Construct Fiendish Codex II
1983 Hellfire Wyrm Dragon Monster Manual II
1984 Hell Hound Outsider Monster Manual
1985 Hell Hound Beast of Xvim* Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
1986 Hell Louse Vermin Fiendish Codex II
1987 Helmed Horror Construct Lost Empires of Faerûn
1988 Hengeyokai Humanoid Oriental Adventures
1989 Hetfish Magical Beast Dungeon #112
1990 Heway Magical Beast Converted
1991 Hexton (Hierarch Modron) Construct Converted
1992 Hezrou Outsider Monster Manual
1993 Hieracosphinx Magical Beast Monster Manual
1994 Hippocampus Magical Beast Stormwrack
1995 Hippogriff Magical Beast Monster Manual
1996 Hippopotamus Animal Sandstorm
1997 Hivenest Minotaur Zombie* Undead Dungeonscape
1998 Hkum Yeng Nat Fey Oriental Adventures
1999 Hoardevil, Female Magical Beast Web
2000 Hoardevil, Male Magical Beast Web
2001 Hoard Scarab Vermin Draconomicon
2002 Hoard Scarab Swarm Vermin Draconomicon
2003 Hoarfroster Fey Web
2004 Hoary Hunter Fey Epic Level Handbook
2005 Hoary Steed Magical Beast Epic Level Handbook
2006 Hob Outsider Dragon #324
2007 Hobgoblin Humanoid Monster Manual
2008 Hobyah Outsider Standing Stone
2009 Hollyphant, Winged Elephant Form Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
2010 Hollyphant, Winged Mastodon Form Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
2011 Holocaust Disciple Elemental Monster Manual IV
2012 Homunculus Construct Monster Manual
2013 Hooded Pupil Ettin Giant Libris Mortis
2014 Hook Horror Aberration Monster Manual II
2015 Hooting Fungi Plant Converted
2016 Hordling Outsider Dungeon #124
2017 Horned Beast Magical Beast Tome of Magic
2018 Hornhead Monstrous Humanoid Converted
2019 Horse, Heavy Animal Monster Manual
2020 Horse, Heavy War Animal Monster Manual
2021 Horse, Light Animal Monster Manual
2022 Horse, Light War Animal Monster Manual
2023 Horse, Wild Animal Converted
2024 Hound, Mastiff Animal Races of Faerûn
2025 Hound of the Gloom Aberration Lords of Madness
2026 Howler Outsider Monster Manual
2027 Howler Wasp Aberration Monster Manual IV
2028 Howler Wasp Queen Aberration Monster Manual IV
2029 Huecuva* Undead Fiend Folio
2030 Hulking Corpse Undead Libris Mortis
2031 Hullathoin Undead Fiend Folio
2032 Humbaba Undead Dragon #334
2033 Hunefer Undead Epic Level Handbook
2034 Hybsil Fey Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2035 Hydra, Eight-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2036 Hydra, Eleven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2037 Hydra, Five-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2038 Hydra, Nine-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2039 Hydra, Seven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2040 Hydra, Six-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2041 Hydra, Ten-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2042 Hydra, Twelve-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2043 Hyena Animal Monster Manual
2044 Hyenadon Animal Converted
2045 Ibis Animal Races of Faerûn
2046 Ibranlin Dragon Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2047 Icegaunt Undead Frostburn
2048 Icejack Animal Converted
2049 Ice Beast Gargoyle* Construct Frostburn
2050 Ice Lizard Dragon Converted
2051 Ice Serpent Elemental Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2052 Ichthyosaur Animal Stormwrack
2053 Icy Prisoner Undead Dragon #324
2054 Ildriss (Air Grue) Elemental Complete Arcane
2055 Illithocyte Aberration Dragon #337
2056 Immoth Elemental Monster Manual II
2057 Imp Outsider Monster Manual
2058 Imp, Bloodbag Outsider Fiend Folio
2059 Imp, Choleric Outsider Dragon #338
2060 Imp, Euphoric Outsider Fiend Folio
2061 Imp, Filth Outsider Fiend Folio
2062 Imp, Melancholic Outsider Dragon #338
2063 Imp, Phlegmatic Outsider Dragon #338
2064 Imp, Sanguine Outsider Dragon #338
2065 Indricothere Animal Fiend Folio
2066 Ineffable Horror Aberration Underdark
2067 Inferno Spider Elemental Monster Manual IV
2068 Inliving Spawn Aberration Dragon #281
2069 Intellect Devourer Aberration Psionics Handbook
2070 Invisible Stalker Elemental Monster Manual
2071 Ironclad Mauler Magical Beast Monster Manual III
2072 Ironglass Rose Plant Web
2073 Ironheart, Servant Of Fire Outsider Weapons of Legacy
2074 Ironmaw Plant Fiend Folio
2075 Ironmaw Seedling Plant Dragon #308
2076 Ironthorn Plant Sandstorm
2077 Iron Cobra Construct Fiend Folio
2078 Ityak-ortheel, the Elf Eater Outsider Champions of Ruin
2079 Ivory Champion Construct Dragon #356
2080 Ixitxachitl, Average Aberration Monster Manual II
2081 Ixitxachitl, Vampiric Aberration Monster Manual II
2082 Ixzan Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
2083 Jackal Animal Sandstorm
2084 Jackalwere Magical Beast Fiend Folio
2085 Jackal Lord Monstrous Humanoid Fiend Folio
2086 Jaculi Magical Beast Serpent Kingdoms
2087 Jade Locust Construct Arms and Equipment Guide
2088 Jagendar Animal Dragon #345
2089 Jahi Undead Monster Manual II
2090 Janni Outsider Monster Manual
2091 Jarilith Outsider Monster Manual II
2092 Jawg Aberration Dragon #281
2093 Jelly, Assassin Ooze Web
2094 Jelly, Flesh Ooze Monster Manual II
2095 Jelly, Mustard Ooze Converted
2096 Jelly, Ochre Ooze Monster Manual
2097 Jelly, Shadow Ooze Planar Handbook
2098 Jellyfish Swarm Vermin Stormwrack
2099 Jermlaine Fey Monster Manual II
2100 Jhakar Animal Dungeon #111
2101 Jiki-Ketsu-Gaki Undead Oriental Adventures
2102 Jiki-Niku-Gaki Undead Oriental Adventures
2103 Jovoc Outsider Monster Manual II
2104 Joystealer Fey Monster Manual IV
2105 Juggernaut Construct Monster Manual II
2106 Juiblex, the Faceless Lord Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
2107 Juju Zombie Bugbear* Undead Unapproachable East
2108 Julajimus Aberration Monster Manual II
2109 Justicator Outsider Monster Manual III
2110 Justice Archon Outsider Monster Manual IV
2111 Justice Archon Champion Outsider Monster Manual IV
2112 Ka-Tainted Male Human Barbarian* Humanoid Dragon #315
2113 Kakkuu (Spider-Demon) Outsider Converted
2114 Kalabon Outsider Fiendish Codex II
2115 Kalaraq Quori Outsider Dragon #324
2116 Kalareem Outsider Fiend Folio
2117 Kaorti Outsider Fiend Folio
2118 Kaortic Hulk Magical Beast Dragon #330
2119 Kapoacinth Magical Beast Monster Manual
2120 Kapoacinth, Crystal Magical Beast Web
2121 Kappa Monstrous Humanoid Oriental Adventures
2122 Karsite Humanoid Tome of Magic
2123 Kastighur Outsider Monster Manual IV
2124 Kech Animal Converted
2125 Keening Spirit* Undead City of the Spider Queen
2126 Keeper Outsider Fiend Folio
2127 Kelpie Fey Fiend Folio
2128 Kelp Angler Plant Fiend Folio
2129 Kelubar Outsider Fiend Folio
2130 Kelvezu Outsider Monster Manual II
2131 Kender Humanoid Dungeon #86
2132 Kenku Monstrous Humanoid Converted
2133 Kenku (Warrior) Humanoid Monster Manual III
2134 Kenku Sneak Humanoid Monster Manual III
2135 Kezef the Chaos Hound Outsider Champions of Ruin
2136 Khaasta Monstrous Humanoid Fiend Folio
2137 Khargra Outsider Converted
2138 Khumat Outsider Miniatures Handbook
2139 Ki-rin Magical Beast Oriental Adventures
2140 Kigrid Aberration Lords of Madness
2141 Killmoulis Fey Converted
2142 Klurichir Outsider Fiend Folio
2143 Kobold Humanoid Monster Manual
2144 Kobold, 1st-Level Warrior Humanoid Web
2145 Kocrachon Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
2146 Kolyarut Construct Monster Manual
2147 Kopru Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
2148 Korobokuru Humanoid Oriental Adventures
2149 Korred Fey Converted
2150 Kostchtchie, Prince of Wrath Outsider Fiendish Codex I
2151 Kraken Magical Beast Monster Manual
2152 Kraken, Astral Vermin Planar Handbook
2153 Kraken, Fiendish Outsider Stormwrack
2154 Krakentua Aberration Converted
2155 Krenshar Magical Beast Monster Manual
2156 Kruthik, Adult Magical Beast Miniatures Handbook
2157 Kruthik, Greater Magical Beast Miniatures Handbook
2158 Kruthik, Hatchling Magical Beast Miniatures Handbook
2159 Kuldurath Magical Beast Fiend Folio
2160 Kuo-Toa Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
2161 Kuo-Toa Leviathan Monstrous Humanoid Underdark
2162 Kurge Undead Dragon Annual 5
2163 Kyra Outsider Dragon #348
2164 Kython Adult Aberration Book of Vile Darkness
2165 Kython Broodling Aberration Book of Vile Darkness
2166 Kython Impaler Aberration Book of Vile Darkness
2167 Kython Juvenile Aberration Book of Vile Darkness
2168 Kython Slaughterking Aberration Book of Vile Darkness
2169 Kython Slaymaster Aberration Book of Vile Darkness
2170 Kyton (Chain Devil) Outsider Monster Manual
2171 Kyuss Spawnling Undead Dungeon #126
2172 Lacedon Undead Monster Manual
2173 Lamia Magical Beast Monster Manual
2174 Lammasu Magical Beast Monster Manual
2175 Landwyrm, Desert Dragon Draconomicon
2176 Landwyrm, Forest Dragon Draconomicon
2177 Landwyrm, Hill Dragon Draconomicon
2178 Landwyrm, Jungle Dragon Draconomicon
2179 Landwyrm, Mountain Dragon Draconomicon
2180 Landwyrm, Plains Dragon Draconomicon
2181 Landwyrm, Swamp Dragon Draconomicon
2182 Landwyrm, Tundra Dragon Draconomicon
2183 Landwyrm, Underdark Dragon Draconomicon
2184 Laraken Outsider Shining South
2185 Larva Outsider Converted
2186 Larval Flayer Aberration Dragon #318
Complete Psionic
2187 Lavabriar Plant Web
2188 Lavawight Undead Epic Level Handbook
2189 Leech, Giant Vermin Stormwrack
2190 Leechwalker Vermin Monster Manual II
2191 Leech Swarm Vermin Stormwrack
2192 Legendary Ape Animal Monster Manual II
2193 Legendary Bear Animal Monster Manual II
Epic Level Handbook
2194 Legendary Eagle Animal Monster Manual II
2195 Legendary Horse Animal Monster Manual II
2196 Legendary Shark Animal Monster Manual II
2197 Legendary Snake Animal Monster Manual II
2198 Legendary Tiger Animal Monster Manual II
Epic Level Handbook
2199 Legendary Wolf Animal Monster Manual II
2200 Legion Devil (Merregon) Outsider Fiendish Codex II
2201 Lemure Outsider Monster Manual
2202 Leonal Outsider Monster Manual
2203 Leopard Animal Monster Manual
2204 Leprechaun Fey Converted
2205 Lernean Cryohydra, Eight-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2206 Lernean Cryohydra, Eleven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2207 Lernean Cryohydra, Five-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2208 Lernean Cryohydra, Nine-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2209 Lernean Cryohydra, Seven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2210 Lernean Cryohydra, Six-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2211 Lernean Cryohydra, Ten-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2212 Lernean Cryohydra, Twelve-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2213 Lernean Hydra, Eight-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2214 Lernean Hydra, Eleven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2215 Lernean Hydra, Five-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2216 Lernean Hydra, Nine-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2217 Lernean Hydra, Seven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2218 Lernean Hydra, Six-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2219 Lernean Hydra, Ten-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2220 Lernean Hydra, Twelve-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2221 Lernean Pyrohydra, Eight-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2222 Lernean Pyrohydra, Eleven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2223 Lernean Pyrohydra, Five-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2224 Lernean Pyrohydra, Nine-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2225 Lernean Pyrohydra, Seven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2226 Lernean Pyrohydra, Six-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2227 Lernean Pyrohydra, Ten-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2228 Lernean Pyrohydra, Twelve-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2229 leShay Fey Epic Level Handbook
2230 Leshii Fey Dragon #290
2231 Leskylor Magical Beast Book of Exalted Deeds
2232 Leskylor, Three-Headed* Magical Beast Book of Exalted Deeds
2233 Leucrotta Magical Beast City of Splendors: Waterdeep
2234 Leucrotta Changesteed Magical Beast City of Splendors: Waterdeep
2235 Leviathan Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2236 Levistus, Lord Of The Fifth Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
2237 Lhiannan Sidhe Fey Web
2238 Lhosk Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
2239 Lich* Undead Monster Manual
2240 Lich, Dry Undead Sandstorm
2241 Lichling, Juvenile Undead Converted
2242 Lilitu Outsider Fiendish Codex I
2243 Lillend Outsider Monster Manual
2244 Limbo Stalker Magical Beast Planar Handbook
2245 Linnorm, Corpse Tearer Dragon Monster Manual II
2246 Linnorm, Dread Dragon Monster Manual II
2247 Linnorm, Gray Dragon Monster Manual II
2248 Lion Animal Monster Manual
2249 Lion, Dark Animal Tome of Magic
2250 Lion, Mountain Animal Converted
2251 Liopleurodon Animal Dragon #318
2252 Lirr Magical Beast Dungeon #111
2253 Lith Magical Beast Underdark
2254 Living Blasphemy Ooze Monster Manual III
2255 Living Catapult Construct Dragon #285
2256 Living Dictum Ooze Monster Manual III
2257 Living Ferroplasm Ooze Web
2258 Living Ferroplasm, Humanoid Form Ooze Web
2259 Living Ferroplasm, Spider Form Ooze Web
2260 Living Fireball Ooze Dragon #329
2261 Living Holocaust Elemental Fiend Folio
2262 Living Holy Word Ooze Monster Manual III
2263 Living Vault Construct Epic Level Handbook
2264 Living Wall Undead Dragon #343
2265 Living Web Ooze Converted
2266 Living Word of Chaos Ooze Monster Manual III
2267 Living Zombie* Humanoid Champions of Ruin
2268 Livonia Darktongue Outsider Weapons of Legacy
2269 Lizard Animal Monster Manual
2270 Lizard, (Monitor) Animal Monster Manual
2271 Lizard, Horned Animal Sandstorm
2272 Lizard, Huge Animal Converted
2273 Lizard, Pack Animal Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
2274 Lizard, Riding Animal Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
2275 Lizard, Spitting Crawler Animal Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
2276 Lizardfolk Humanoid Monster Manual
2277 Lizardfolk, Blackscale Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
2278 Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk Humanoid Monster Manual III
2279 Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk Lieutenant Humanoid Monster Manual III
2280 Lizardfolk, Quanak Humanoid Web
2281 Lizardfolk, Tun Humanoid Converted
2282 Lizardfolk King, Tun Humanoid Converted
2283 Lizard King/Queen Outsider Serpent Kingdoms
2284 Locathah Humanoid Monster Manual
2285 Lock Lurker Aberration Converted
2286 Locust Swarm, Bloodfiend Vermin Fiend Folio
2287 Locust Swarm, Rapture Vermin Fiend Folio
2288 Lolth (Demon Queen of Spiders) Outsider Converted
2289 Loquasphinx Magical Beast Tome of Magic
2290 Loxo Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
2291 Lucent Worm Magical Beast Fiend Folio
2292 Lumi Outsider Monster Manual III
2293 Lumi Crusader Outsider Monster Manual III
2294 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2295 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Ancient Dragon Oriental Adventures
2296 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Great Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2297 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Juvenile Dragon Oriental Adventures
2298 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Mature Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2299 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2300 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Very Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2301 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2302 Lung, Chiang (River Dragon), Young Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2303 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2304 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Ancient Dragon Oriental Adventures
2305 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Great Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2306 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Juvenile Dragon Oriental Adventures
2307 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Mature Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2308 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2309 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Very Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2310 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2311 Lung, Li (Earth Dragon), Young Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2312 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2313 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Ancient Dragon Oriental Adventures
2314 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Great Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2315 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Juvenile Dragon Oriental Adventures
2316 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Mature Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2317 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2318 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Very Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2319 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2320 Lung, Pan (Coiled Dragon), Young Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2321 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2322 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Ancient Dragon Oriental Adventures
2323 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Great Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2324 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Juvenile Dragon Oriental Adventures
2325 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Mature Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2326 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2327 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Very Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2328 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2329 Lung, Shen (Spirit Dragon), Young Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2330 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2331 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Ancient Dragon Oriental Adventures
2332 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Great Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2333 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Juvenile Dragon Oriental Adventures
2334 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Mature Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2335 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2336 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Very Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2337 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2338 Lung, Tun Mi (Typhoon Dragon), Young Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2339 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2340 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Ancient Dragon Oriental Adventures
2341 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Great Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2342 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Juvenile Dragon Oriental Adventures
2343 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Mature Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2344 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2345 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Very Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2346 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2347 Lung, T'ien (Celestial Dragon), Young Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2348 Lung, Yu (Carp Dragon) Very Young Dragon Oriental Adventures
2349 Lung, Yu (Carp Dragon) Young Dragon Oriental Adventures
2350 Lung, Yu (Carp Dragon) Wyrmling Dragon Oriental Adventures
2351 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2352 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Ancient Dragon Oriental Adventures
2353 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Great Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2354 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Juvenile Dragon Oriental Adventures
2355 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Mature Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2356 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2357 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Very Old Dragon Oriental Adventures
2358 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Wyrm Dragon Oriental Adventures
2359 Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Young Adult Dragon Oriental Adventures
2360 Lupinal Outsider Monster Manual II
2361 Lurker Aberration Underdark
2362 Lurker Above Aberration Web
2363 Lurking Strangler Aberration Monster Manual III
2364 Lu Nat Fey Oriental Adventures
2365 Lycosidilith (Spider-Demon) Outsider Converted
2366 Lynx Animal Races of Faerûn
2367 Mad Slasher Aberration Miniatures Handbook
2368 Maedar Monstrous Humanoid Converted
2369 Maelephant Outsider Fiend Folio
2370 Maeluth Outsider Fiend Folio
2371 Maggot, Giant Vermin Underdark
2372 Magmal Horror Elemental Web
2373 Magma Hurler Elemental Miniatures Handbook
2374 Magmin Elemental Monster Manual
2375 Magnesium Spirit Outsider Converted
2376 Malasynep Aberration Frostburn
2377 Malasynep Mindmage Aberration Frostburn
2378 Malaugrym Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2379 Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi Outsider Fiendish Codex I
2380 Malebranche Outsider Fiendish Codex II
Monster Manual II
2381 Malenti Humanoid Monster Manual (3E)
2382 Malfera Outsider Dragon #343
2383 Malgoren Fey Web
2384 Malkizid, the Branded King Outsider Champions of Ruin
2385 Mammon, Lord Of The Third Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
2386 Mammoth, Woolly Animal Frostburn
2387 Mamono Magical Beast Oriental Adventures
2388 Mane Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
2389 Manscorpion Aberration Converted
2390 Manta Ray Animal Monster Manual
2391 Manticora Magical Beast Web
2392 Manticore Magical Beast Monster Manual
2393 Mantimera Magical Beast Shining South
2394 Mantrap Plant Converted
2395 Mardallond Dragon Dragon #284
2396 Margoyle Magical Beast Converted
2397 Marid Outsider Manual of the Planes
2398 Marilith Outsider Monster Manual
2399 Marraenoloth Outsider Monster Manual II
2400 Marrash Outsider Monster Manual II
2401 Marrulurk Monstrous Humanoid Sandstorm
2402 Marrusault Monstrous Humanoid Sandstorm
2403 Marruspawn Abomination Outsider Sandstorm
2404 Marrutact Monstrous Humanoid Sandstorm
2405 Marut Construct Monster Manual
2406 Marzanna Monstrous Humanoid Frostburn
2407 Master Of The Wild Hunt Outsider Converted
2408 Mastiff of Kyuss* Undead Dragon #336
2409 Mastodon Animal Monster Manual III
2410 Mastodon, Grizzly Animal Monster Manual II
2411 Mastyrial Animal Dungeon #111
2412 Maug Construct Fiend Folio
2413 Maulgoth Aberration Fiend Folio
2414 Maurezhi Outsider Fiend Folio
2415 Maurid Advanced Chimera* Magical Beast Dungeon #112
2416 Maur (Hunched Giant) Giant Underdark
2417 Meazel Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2418 Mechanatrix Outsider Fiend Folio
2419 Medusa Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
2420 Medusa, Amphibious* Monstrous Humanoid Stormwrack
2421 Meenlock Aberration Monster Manual II
2422 Megaloceros Animal Frostburn
2423 Megalodon Animal Monster Manual II
2424 Megapede Vermin Monster Manual II
2425 Megaraptor Animal Monster Manual
2426 Megatherium Animal Fiend Folio
2427 Melchon (Duke of Hell) Outsider Converted
2428 Mephistopheles, Lord Of The Eighth Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
2429 Mephit, Air Outsider Monster Manual
2430 Mephit, Dust Outsider Monster Manual
2431 Mephit, Earth Outsider Monster Manual
2432 Mephit, Fire Outsider Monster Manual
2433 Mephit, Glass Outsider Sandstorm
2434 Mephit, Ice Outsider Monster Manual
2435 Mephit, Magma Outsider Monster Manual
2436 Mephit, Ooze Outsider Monster Manual
2437 Mephit, Salt Outsider Monster Manual
2438 Mephit, Steam Outsider Monster Manual
2439 Mephit, Sulphur Outsider Sandstorm
2440 Mephit, Water Outsider Monster Manual
2441 Mercane Outsider Epic Level Handbook
Manual of the Planes
2442 Mercurial Spider Construct Dragon #341
2443 Merfolk Humanoid Monster Manual
2444 Merfolk Wraith* Undead Dragon #300
2445 Merrow Giant Monster Manual
2446 Metalmaster Magical Beast Lost Empires of Faerûn
2447 Mezzoloth Outsider Monster Manual III
2448 Mhistu Elemental Converted
2449 Mimic Aberration Monster Manual
2450 Mindshredder Larva Aberration Monster Manual III
2451 Mindshredder Warrior Aberration Monster Manual III
2452 Mindshredder Zenthal Aberration Monster Manual III
2453 Mindstealer Drone Aberration Web
2454 Mindstealer Master Aberration Web
2455 Mindwitness* Aberration Underdark
2456 Mind Flayer Aberration Monster Manual
2457 Mind Flayer, Paragon* Aberration Epic Level Handbook
2458 Mind Flayer, Ulitharid Aberration Lords of Madness
2459 Mind Flayer, Vampire Undead Lords of Madness
2460 Mind Flayer Alhoon Undead Lords of Madness
2461 Mind Leech Aberration Fiend Folio
2462 Mind Worm Aberration Dragon #337
2463 Mineral Warrior (Stony Devil)* Outsider Underdark
2464 Minion of Set Outsider Deities and Demigods
2465 Mink Animal Converted
2466 Minogon Construct Dragon #302
2467 Minotaur Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual
2468 Minotaur of Legend* Outsider Monster Manual II
2469 Minwhelgo Monstrous Humanoid Dragon #281
2470 Mirage Mullah* Fey Sandstorm
2471 Miska (The Wolf Spider) Outsider Converted
2472 Mivilorn Magical Beast Monster Manual III
2473 Mivilorn, Elite Demon War Mount Magical Beast Monster Manual III
2474 Mlarraun Magical Beast Serpent Kingdoms
2475 Mnemonicus Aberration Dragon #308
2476 Mobat Magical Beast Web
2477 Mohrg Undead Monster Manual
2478 Moloch (Arch-Devil) Outsider Converted
2479 Molydeus Outsider Fiendish Codex I
2480 Mongrelfolk Humanoid Fiend Folio
2481 Mongrelman Monstrous Humanoid Converted
2482 Monkey Animal Monster Manual
2483 Monodrone (Base Modron) Construct Dragon #354
2484 Monolith, Air Elemental Complete Arcane
2485 Monolith, Earth Elemental Complete Arcane
2486 Monolith, Fire Elemental Complete Arcane
2487 Monolith, Ice Elemental Dragon #347
2488 Monolith, Magma Elemental Dragon #347
2489 Monolith, Ooze Elemental Dragon #347
2490 Monolith, Smoke Elemental Dragon #347
2491 Monolith, Water Elemental Complete Arcane
2492 Monstrous Centipede, Colossal Vermin Monster Manual
2493 Monstrous Centipede, Gargantuan Vermin Monster Manual
2494 Monstrous Centipede, Huge Vermin Monster Manual
2495 Monstrous Centipede, Large Vermin Monster Manual
2496 Monstrous Centipede, Medium Vermin Monster Manual
2497 Monstrous Centipede, Small Vermin Monster Manual
2498 Monstrous Centipede, Tiny Vermin Monster Manual
2499 Monstrous Crab Vermin Web
2500 Monstrous Crab, Colossal Vermin Stormwrack
2501 Monstrous Crab, Gargantuan Vermin Stormwrack
2502 Monstrous Crab, Huge Vermin Stormwrack
2503 Monstrous Crab, Large Vermin Stormwrack
2504 Monstrous Crab, Medium Vermin
2505 Monstrous Scorpion, Colossal Vermin Monster Manual
2506 Monstrous Scorpion, Gargantuan Vermin Monster Manual
2507 Monstrous Scorpion, Huge Vermin Monster Manual
2508 Monstrous Scorpion, Large Vermin Monster Manual
2509 Monstrous Scorpion, Medium Vermin Monster Manual
2510 Monstrous Scorpion, Small Vermin Monster Manual
2511 Monstrous Scorpion, Tiny Vermin Monster Manual
2512 Monstrous Spider, Colossal Vermin Monster Manual
2513 Monstrous Spider, Gargantuan Vermin Monster Manual
2514 Monstrous Spider, Huge Vermin Monster Manual
2515 Monstrous Spider, Large Vermin Monster Manual
2516 Monstrous Spider, Medium Vermin Monster Manual
2517 Monstrous Spider, Small Vermin Monster Manual
2518 Monstrous Spider, Tiny Vermin Monster Manual
2519 Moonbeast Aberration Monster Manual II
2520 Mooncalf Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2521 Moonrat Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2522 Moon Dog Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
2523 Moor Cat Magical Beast Dragon #286
2524 Mord Wraith Outsider Dragon #286
2525 Morkoth Aberration Monster Manual II
2526 Mortif* Outsider Dragon #313
2527 Mosasaur Animal Stormwrack
2528 Mosslord Plant Web
2529 Moth, Luna Magical Beast Heroes of Battle
2530 Mouse Animal Converted
2531 Mouse, Farrowdale Animal Converted
2532 Mouse Familiar Animal Dragon #280
2533 Muckdweller Monstrous Humanoid Serpent Kingdoms
2534 Mudman Elemental Converted
2535 Mudmaw Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2536 Mulcher Ooze Web
2537 Mule Animal Monster Manual
2538 Mummified Ogre* Undead Libris Mortis
2539 Mummy Undead Monster Manual
2540 Mummy, Bog Undead Dragon #238
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
2541 Mummy, Salt Undead Monster Manual III
2542 Mummy Lord Undead Monster Manual
2543 Mur-Zhagul Outsider Unapproachable East
2544 Murderjack Fey Web
2545 Murk Undead Libris Mortis
2546 Muskrat Animal Converted
2547 Musteval Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
2548 Mu Spore Plant Epic Level Handbook
2549 Mwellret Magical Beast Dragon #286
2550 Myconid Average Worker Plant Monster Manual II
2551 Myconid Circle Leader Plant Monster Manual II
2552 Myconid Elder Worker Plant Monster Manual II
2553 Myconid Guard Plant Monster Manual II
2554 Myconid Junior Worker Plant Monster Manual II
2555 Myconid Sovereign Plant Monster Manual II
2556 Myrlochar Outsider Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2557 Myrmyxicus Outsider Fiend Folio
2558 Nabassu, Juvenile Outsider Fiendish Codex I
2559 Nabassu, Mature Outsider Dungeon #112
Fiendish Codex I
2560 Naga, Banelar Aberration Serpent Kingdoms
2561 Naga, Bone Undead Serpent Kingdoms
2562 Naga, Bright Aberration Miniatures Handbook
2563 Naga, Brine Aberration Web
2564 Naga, Dark Aberration Monster Manual
2565 Naga, Elven Forest Water Aberration Converted
2566 Naga, Guardian Aberration Monster Manual
2567 Naga, Iridescent Aberration Serpent Kingdoms
2568 Naga, Sinomen - Asp Humanoid Oriental Adventures
2569 Naga, Sinomen - Chameleon Humanoid Oriental Adventures
2570 Naga, Sinomen - Cobra Humanoid Oriental Adventures
2571 Naga, Sinomen - Constrictor Humanoid Oriental Adventures
2572 Naga, Sinomen - Greensnake Humanoid Oriental Adventures
2573 Naga, Spirit Aberration Monster Manual
2574 Naga, Water Aberration Monster Manual
2575 Nagahydra Aberration Serpent Kingdoms
2576 Naga Adolescent, Elven Forest Water Aberration Converted
2577 Naga Egg, Elven Forest Water Aberration Converted
2578 Naga Hatchling, Elven Forest Water Aberration Converted
2579 Nalfeshnee Outsider Monster Manual
2580 Narwhal Animal Converted
2581 Narzugon Outsider Fiendish Codex II
Manual of the Planes
2582 Nashrou Outsider Monster Manual IV
2583 Nature Spirit, Large Fey Oriental Adventures
2584 Nature Spirit, Medium Fey Oriental Adventures
2585 Nature Spirit, Small Fey Oriental Adventures
2586 Neanderthal Humanoid Frostburn
2587 Necroclasm Undead Web
2588 Necromancer Knuckles Construct Dungeon #127
2589 Necronaut Undead Monster Manual III
2590 Necrophidius Construct Fiend Folio
2591 Necropolitan, 5th-Level Human Wizard* Undead Libris Mortis
2592 Necrothane Aberration Monster Manual III
2593 Needlefolk Plant Monster Manual II
2594 Neh-Thalggu Aberration Epic Level Handbook
2595 Neo-Otyugh Aberration Converted
2596 Neogi, Adult Aberration Lords of Madness
2597 Neogi, Great Old Master Aberration Lords of Madness
2598 Neogi Spawn Aberration Lords of Madness
2599 Neothelid Aberration Psionics Handbook
2600 Nereid Fey Stormwrack
2601 Nerephtys Elemental Dragon #287
2602 Nerve Swimmers Aberration Dragon #337
2603 Nethersight Mastiff Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2604 Nether Hound Ghast* Undead Dragon #322
2605 Nether Ogre Mage* Undead Dragon #297
2606 Nezumi Humanoid Oriental Adventures
2607 Nifern Animal Serpent Kingdoms
2608 Nightcrawler Undead Monster Manual
2609 Nighthaunt Undead Lost Empires of Faerûn
2610 Nightmare Outsider Monster Manual
2611 Nightmare, Cauchemar Outsider Monster Manual
2612 Nightmare, Lesser Outsider Planar Handbook
2613 Nightmare Beast Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2614 Nightseed Ooze Dragon #330
2615 Nightwalker Undead Monster Manual
2616 Nightwing Undead Monster Manual
2617 Night Hag Outsider Monster Manual
2618 Night Hunter Magical Beast Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2619 Night Twist Plant Monster Manual III
2620 Night Twist, Ancient Plant Monster Manual III
2621 Nilbog Humanoid Converted
2622 Nilshai Aberration Unapproachable East
2623 Nimblewright Construct Monster Manual II
2624 Nishruu Outsider Lost Empires of Faerûn
2625 Nixie Fey Monster Manual
2626 Nonaton (Hierarch Modron) Construct Converted
2627 Norker Humanoid Dragon #343
2628 Nothic Aberration Miniatures Handbook
2629 No Oni, Akuma Outsider Oriental Adventures
2630 No Oni, Ashi Outsider Oriental Adventures
2631 No Oni, Byoki Outsider Oriental Adventures
2632 No Oni, Gekido Outsider Oriental Adventures
2633 No Oni, Haino Outsider Oriental Adventures
2634 No Oni, Kamu Outsider Oriental Adventures
2635 No Oni, Kiri Outsider Oriental Adventures
2636 No Oni, Kyoso Outsider Oriental Adventures
2637 No Oni, Sanru Outsider Oriental Adventures
2638 No Oni, Shikibu Outsider Oriental Adventures
2639 No Oni, Tsuburu Outsider Oriental Adventures
2640 No Oni, Ugulu Outsider Oriental Adventures
2641 No Oni, Yattoko Outsider Oriental Adventures
2642 Nuchlavis Fey Web
2643 Nuckalavee Monstrous Humanoid Dragon #343
2644 Nupperibo Outsider Fiendish Codex II
2645 Nycaloth Outsider Monster Manual III
2646 Nycaloth Commander Outsider Monster Manual III
2647 Nycter Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
2648 Nycter Defender of the Cave Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
2649 Nymph Fey Monster Manual
2650 Nymph, Unseelie Fey Web
2651 Nyth Aberration Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2652 N'gatispawn Aberration Dragon #305
2653 Obliviax Plant Converted
2654 Obox-ob, Prince of Vermin Outsider Fiendish Codex I
2655 Ocean Strider Fey Monster Manual II
2656 Octon (Hierarch Modron) Construct Converted
2657 Octopin Aberration Dungeon #127
2658 Octopus Animal Monster Manual
2659 Octopus, Giant Animal Monster Manual
2660 Octopus Tree Plant Fiend Folio
2661 Ocularon Aberration Fiend Folio
2662 Oculus Demon Outsider Dungeon #128
2663 Odopi Aberration Monster Manual III
2664 Odopi, Elder Aberration Monster Manual III
2665 Ogre Giant Monster Manual
2666 Ogre, Half Humanoid Converted
2667 Ogre, Skullcrusher Giant Monster Manual III
2668 Ogre, Skullcrusher Sergeant Giant Monster Manual III
2669 Ogre Mage Giant Monster Manual
2670 Ogre Mage, Entropic* Outsider Planar Handbook
2671 Ogre Mage Scion of Kyuss* Undead Dragon #307
2672 Ogre Mummy* Undead Dragon #300
2673 Old One Guardian Construct Dragon #302
2674 Omnimental Elemental Monster Manual III
2675 Oni, Common Giant Oriental Adventures
2676 Oni, Go-Zu Giant Oriental Adventures
2677 Oni, Me-Zu Giant Oriental Adventures
2678 Onikage Undead Oriental Adventures
2679 Onyx Worm Magical Beast Web
2680 Ooze, Arcane Ooze Monster Manual III
2681 Ooze, Bloodfire Ooze Monster Manual IV
2682 Ooze, Bloodfire, Blighted Outsider Monster Manual IV
2683 Ooze, Bone Ooze Monster Manual II
2684 Ooze, Brine Ooze Sandstorm
2685 Ooze, Cesspit Ooze Cityscape
2686 Ooze, Conflagration Ooze Monster Manual III
2687 Ooze, Crystal Ooze Converted
2688 Ooze, Ectoplasmic Ooze Web
2689 Ooze, Ethereal Ooze Fiend Folio
2690 Ooze, Flotsam Ooze Fiend Folio
2691 Ooze, Gray Ooze Monster Manual
2692 Ooze, Infernal Conflagration Ooze Monster Manual III
2693 Ooze, Lava Ooze Sandstorm
2694 Ooze, Obsidian Ooze Web
2695 Ooze, Snowflake Ooze Monster Manual III
2696 Ooze, Summoning Ooze Monster Manual III
2697 Ooze, Toxic Ooze Dragon #350
2698 Ooze, Void Ooze Planar Handbook
2699 Opabinia Aberration Dragon #348
2700 Ophidian Monstrous Humanoid Fiend Folio
2701 Opossum Animal Converted
2702 Orangeseer Monstrous Humanoid Dragon #325
2703 Orb Wraith Undead City of the Spider Queen
2704 Orc Humanoid Monster Manual
2705 Orc, Snow Shaman Humanoid Frostburn
2706 Orcus, Prince of the Undead Outsider Book of Vile Darkness
Fiendish Codex I
2707 Orcwort Plant Monster Manual II
2708 Oread Fey Fiend Folio
2709 Orglash* Elemental Unapproachable East
2710 Orlythys Outsider Dragon #285
2711 Ormyrr Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual II
2712 Orthon Outsider Fiendish Codex II
2713 Osquip Magical Beast Races of Faerûn
2714 Osyluth (Bone Devil) Outsider Monster Manual
2715 Otter Animal Stormwrack
2716 Otter, Giant Magical Beast Converted
2717 Otter, Sea Animal Frostburn
2718 Otyugh Aberration Monster Manual
2719 Otyugh Lifeleech Aberration Monster Manual III
2720 Owl Animal Monster Manual
2721 Owl, Giant Magical Beast Monster Manual
2722 Owl, Snow Animal Converted
2723 Owl, Talking Magical Beast Converted
2724 Owlbear Magical Beast Monster Manual
2725 Owl Archon Outsider Book of Exalted Deeds
2726 O'bati Humanoid Web
2727 Pachycephalosaurus Animal Dragon #318
2728 Pack Fiend Magical Beast Planar Handbook
2729 Paeliryon Outsider Fiendish Codex II
Fiend Folio
2730 Painspeaker Undead Tome of Magic
2731 Pain Devil (Excruciarch) Outsider Fiendish Codex II
2732 Pale Flenser Plant Web
2733 Pale Night, the Mother of Demons Outsider Fiendish Codex I
2734 Palrethee Outsider Monster Manual II
2735 Paraelemental, Ice-Elder Elemental Manual of the Planes
2736 Paraelemental, Ice-Greater Elemental Manual of the Planes
2737 Paraelemental, Ice-Huge Elemental Manual of the Planes
2738 Paraelemental, Ice-Large Elemental Manual of the Planes
2739 Paraelemental, Ice-Medium Elemental Manual of the Planes
2740 Paraelemental, Ice-Small Elemental Manual of the Planes
2741 Paraelemental, Magma-Elder Elemental Manual of the Planes
2742 Paraelemental, Magma-Greater Elemental Manual of the Planes
2743 Paraelemental, Magma-Huge Elemental Manual of the Planes
2744 Paraelemental, Magma-Large Elemental Manual of the Planes
2745 Paraelemental, Magma-Medium Elemental Manual of the Planes
2746 Paraelemental, Magma-Small Elemental Manual of the Planes
2747 Paraelemental, Ooze-Elder Elemental Manual of the Planes
2748 Paraelemental, Ooze-Greater Elemental Manual of the Planes
2749 Paraelemental, Ooze-Huge Elemental Manual of the Planes
2750 Paraelemental, Ooze-Large Elemental Manual of the Planes
2751 Paraelemental, Ooze-Medium Elemental Manual of the Planes
2752 Paraelemental, Ooze-Small Elemental Manual of the Planes
2753 Paraelemental, Smoke-Elder Elemental Manual of the Planes
2754 Paraelemental, Smoke-Greater Elemental Manual of the Planes
2755 Paraelemental, Smoke-Huge Elemental Manual of the Planes
2756 Paraelemental, Smoke-Large Elemental Manual of the Planes
2757 Paraelemental, Smoke-Medium Elemental Manual of the Planes
2758 Paraelemental, Smoke-Small Elemental Manual of the Planes
2759 Parasaurolophus Animal Dragon #318
2760 Parrot Animal Converted
2761 Pazuzu, Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms Outsider Dragon #329
Fiendish Codex I
2762 Pech Elemental Converted
2763 Pegasus Magical Beast Monster Manual
2764 Penguin Animal Frostburn
2765 Pennaggolan* Undead Oriental Adventures
2766 Pentadrone (Base Modron) Construct Dragon #354
2767 Pernicon Magical Beast Converted
2768 Peryton Magical Beast Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2769 Petal Fey Monster Manual III
2770 Phaerimm, Adult Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
2771 Phaerimm, elder Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
2772 Phaerimm, Hatchling Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
2773 Phaerimm, juvenile Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
2774 Phaerimm, mature adult Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
2775 Phaerimm, revered elder Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
2776 Phaerimm, young adult Aberration Lost Empires of Faerûn
2777 Phaerlock Humanoid Underdark
2778 Phantom Bear Magical Beast Complete Divine
2779 Phantom Fungus Plant Monster Manual
2780 Phantom Stalker Elemental Converted
2781 Phantom Wolf Magical Beast Complete Divine
2782 Phargion Magical Beast Miniatures Handbook
2783 Phase Spider Magical Beast Monster Manual
2784 Phase Wasp Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2785 Phasm Aberration Monster Manual
2786 Phisarazu (Spider-Demon) Outsider Converted
2787 Phiuhl Aberration Fiend Folio
2788 Phoelarch Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
2789 Phoenix Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2790 Phoera Magical Beast Monster Manual III
2791 Phororhacos Animal Converted
2792 Phthisic Monstrous Humanoid Psionics Handbook
2793 Phycomid Plant Dragon #337
2794 Piercer Vermin Converted
2795 Pig, Domestic Animal Converted
2796 Piranha Animal Converted
2797 Piranha Swarm Animal Stormwrack
2798 Piscoloth Outsider Fiend Folio
2799 Pit Fiend Outsider Monster Manual
2800 Pixie Fey Monster Manual
2801 Plague Blight Undead Libris Mortis
2802 Plague Brush Plant Monster Manual III
2803 Plague Spewer Undead Monster Manual III
2804 Planetar Outsider Monster Manual
2805 Pleasure Devil (Brachina) Outsider Fiendish Codex II
2806 Plesiosaur Animal Stormwrack
2807 Pony Animal Monster Manual
2808 Pony, War Animal Monster Manual
2809 Porcupine Animal Converted
2810 Porcupine Cactus Plant Sandstorm
2811 Porpoise Animal Monster Manual
2812 Portal Drake Dragon Underdark
2813 Primordial Colossus Construct Dragon #336
2814 Primus (The One and The Prime) Outsider Converted
2815 Prismasaurus Magical Beast Epic Level Handbook
2816 Prismfly Swarm Magical Beast Dragon #321
2817 Protean Scourge Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
2818 Protean Scourge Arcanist Monstrous Humanoid Monster Manual III
2819 Protectar Outsider Miniatures Handbook
2820 Protoceratops Animal Sandstorm
2821 Pseudodragon Dragon Monster Manual
2822 Pseudonatural Hippogriff* Outsider Lords of Madness
2823 Pseudonatural Troll Outsider Epic Level Handbook
2824 Psi-Guardian Construct Web
2825 Psicrystal, Base Construct Web
2826 Psion-Killer Construct Psionics Handbook
2827 Psionic Sinew Aberration Fiend Folio
2828 Psurlon, Average Aberration Lords of Madness
2829 Psurlon, Elder Aberration Lords of Madness
2830 Psurlon, Giant Aberration Lords of Madness
2831 Pterafolk Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2832 Pteranadon Animal Serpent Kingdoms
2833 Pudding, Black Ooze Monster Manual
2834 Pudding, Black, Elder** Ooze Web
2835 Pudding, Brown Ooze Converted
2836 Pudding, Dun Ooze Converted
2837 Pudding, White Ooze Frostburn
2838 Puppeteer Vermin Psionics Handbook
2839 Purple Worm Magical Beast Monster Manual
2840 Pyrohydra, Eight-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2841 Pyrohydra, Eleven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2842 Pyrohydra, Five-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2843 Pyrohydra, Nine-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2844 Pyrohydra, Seven-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2845 Pyrohydra, Six-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2846 Pyrohydra, Ten-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2847 Pyrohydra, Twelve-Headed Magical Beast Monster Manual
2848 Pyrolisk Magical Beast Converted
2849 Quadrone, Winged (Base Modron) Construct Dragon #354
2850 Quadrone (Base Modron) Construct Dragon #354
2851 Quaggoth Monstrous Humanoid Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn
2852 Quaraphon Aberration Monster Manual III
2853 Quaraphon Bully Aberration Monster Manual III
2854 Quarton (Hierarch Modron) Construct Converted
2855 Quarut Construct Fiend Folio
2856 Quasit Outsider Monster Manual
2857 Queen Of Chaos Outsider Converted
2858 Quell Undead Libris Mortis
2859 Quesar Construct Book of Exalted Deeds
2860 Quetzalcoatlus Animal Monster Manual II
2861 Quickling Fey Converted
2862 Quickwood Plant Converted
2863 Quillflinger Animal Web
2864 Quinametin Humanoid Dragon #317
2865 Quinton (Hierarch Modron) Construct Converted
2866 Quipper Animal Converted
2867 Qullan Giant Converted
2868 Quth-Maren Undead Fiend Folio
2869 Raam Giant Dungeon #133
2870 Rabbit Animal Converted
2871 Rabbit, Spiny Animal Converted
2872 Raccoon Animal Dragon #280
2873 Radiant Giant Eagle* Outsider Dragon #321
2874 Ragewalker Fey Monster Manual III
2875 Ragewind Undead Monster Manual II
2876 Ragewing Aberration Dragon #280
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
2877 Raggamoffyn, Common Construct Monster Manual II
2878 Raiment Undead Libris Mortis
2879 Rainbow Dweller Outsider Dragon #321
2880 Rainrunner Elemental Dungeon #111
2881 Rakasta Humanoid Converted
2882 Rakka Giant Fiend Folio
2883 Raklupis (Spider-Demon) Outsider Converted
2884 Rakshasa Outsider Monster Manual
2885 Rakshasa, Ak'chazar Outsider Monster Manual III
2886 Rakshasa, Naityan Outsider Tome of Battle
2887 Rakshasa, Naztharune Outsider Monster Manual III
2888 Ram Animal Converted
2889 Ramadeen Outsider Miniatures Handbook
2890 Ramfish Magical Beast Stormwrack
2891 Rampager Magical Beast Monster Manual II
2892 Rasclinn Magical Beast Dungeon #111
2893 Rast Outsider Monster Manual
2894 Rat Animal Monster Manual
2895 Rat, Vapour Magical Beast Converted
2896 Ratfiend Outsider Converted
2897 Raven Animal Monster Manual
2898 Raven, Giant Magical Beast Frostburn
2899 Ravenous Ghoulish Halfling* Undead Dragon #319
Dragon Compendium Vol. 1
2900 Ravid Outsider Monster Manual
2901 Razoreel Swarm Magical Beast Web
2902 Razortail Animal Dragon #280
2903 Razorwing Animal Dungeon #111
2904 Razor Hawk Construct Dragon #341
2905 Reason Stealer Ooze Monster Manual II
2906 Redcap, Elder Fey Monster Manual III
2907 Redcap, Young Fey Monster Manual III
2908 Red Sundew Plant Monster Manual II
2909 Reekmurk Ooze Fiend Folio
2910 Rejkar Outsider Monster Manual III
2911 Remorhaz Magical Beast Monster Manual
2912 Restless Prey Elephant* Undead Web
2913 Retch Plant Plant Converted
2914 Reth Dekala Outsider Tome of Battle
2915 Retriever Construct Monster Manual
2916 Revenant* Undead City of the Spider Queen
2917 Revived Fossil Megaraptor* Undead Libris Mortis
2918 Rhamphorhynchus Animal Dragon #318
2919 Rhek Monstrous Humanoid Book of Exalted Deeds
2920 Rhek Chaosgrinder Monstrous Humanoid Book of Exalted Deeds
2921 Rhinoceros Animal Monster Manual
2922 Rhinoceros, Magma Element* Elemental Dragon #347
2923 Rhinoceros, Warbeast* Animal Monster Manual II
2924 Riding Bird Animal Dragon #323
2925 Riftjumper Magical Beast Dragon #287
2926 Rimefire Eidolon Fey Frostburn
2927 Rime Sprite