Psion Prestige Class : Crystalsinger

By Scott Brocius and Mark A. Jindra

"They have heard the song."

The crystalsinger has learned the music all crystals possess. They have learned how to shape crystal cacophony into fluid melody -- how to truly tap the power trapped within crystals. While others can craft psionic items, the crystalsinger knows they do so without order and without the evenness that is inherent to the crystal.

The crystalsinger masters the ability to craft crystalline psionic items and how to make that which others cannot. They alone have learned how to create the drilbu, the true items of power. (See below for the drilbu description.)

Due to the length of time needed to create psionic items, most crystalsingers are NPCs. You can generally find them where there is a concentration of psions and psychic warriors.


To qualify to become a Crystalsinger, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

Class Skills

The crystalsinger's class skills are Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Knowledge (psionics), Perform, Psicraft, and Use Psionic Device.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are features of the crystalsinger prestige class.

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: The crystalsinger gains no proficiency in any weapon or armor.

Power Points*: When they gain a level, crystalsingers gain power points per day as though they gained a level of psion. These power points are added to the character's previous total. Crystalsingers gain bonus power points based on the key ability score for their primary ability. If the character previously could not gain bonus power points for high ability scores (as is the case for psychic warriors), she now chooses a primary discipline and can gain bonus power points based on the related ability score.

Powers Discovered: With the exception of 5th and 10th levels, crystalsingers discover powers per level as though they gained a level of psion. Powers are chosen from the psion power list. Their effective manifester level is increased by one for each level of the prestige class.

Psionic Combat: Psionic attack and defense modes are discovered as though the character were a psychic warrior of the same level as the prestige class. (Characters do not forget previously discovered attack and defense modes.)

Psicrystals: Crystalsinger levels count toward the level of psion for purposes determining psicrystal intelligence and special abilities. Psicrystals are a class ability of psions. You must take at least one level of psion if you wish to encode a psicrystal.

0-Level Powers: Crystalsinger levels count toward the level of psion for purposes determining the number of free manifestations per day or your 0-level powers.

Channeling (Su): The crystalsinger gains the ability to channel another psion's powers for use in the creation of items. The crystalsinger becomes a conduit for the power to be transferred to the item being created from another user. During item creation, if another psion is providing the powers to an item, the crystalsinger expends a number of power points equal to the highest power being used by the psion. If there is an XP cost associated with the power being imbued, the psion using it pays this cost, not the crystalsinger (though the crystalsinger must still pay the 1/25 item cost in XP). All other item creation limitations listed in the Psionics Handbook are in affect, however.

When first learned, the crystalsinger may channel up to 5th-level powers. This increases to 6th-level powers at 3rd level, 7th-level powers at 5th, 8th-level powers at 7th, and finally 9th-level powers at 9th level. Powers may be channeled only for the creation of an item.

Enhanced Craft: The crystalsinger gains a bonus to all Craft skills of her selection. This bonus is +2 at 2nd level. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th, 6th and 8th levels, to a final bonus of +5 at 8th level.

Item Creation: The crystalsinger learns an item creation feat previously unknown to her. Item creation feats include Craft Crystal Capacitor, Craft Dorje, Craft Drilbu, Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, Craft Universal Item, Encode Stone, Scribe Tattoo.

Metacreative Creation: At 1st level the crystalsinger may apply the effects of the Metacreative feat to any items they create, lowering the level for creation purposes by 1 level (minimum 1st level), they gain the ability to further lower this level by one at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels. (The Metacreative Creation ability is based on the latest version of the Metacreative feat.)

Song of the Crystal: At 10th level, due to long association and study of crystals, the crystalsinger undergoes a physical transformation. Her body becomes crystalline, and her type changes to "elemental" with a subtype of earth. She is no longer affected by powers that specifically target humanoids, such as domination; she gains an elemental creature's immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning; and since she has no discernible front or back, she is no longer subject to critical hits or flanking. However, the following items remain the same as before: Hit Dice, speed, AC, abilities, skills, feats, saves (with the exceptions listed above), and alignment. The character gains a +1 to her CR if she is an NPC.

CrystalsingerHit Die: d4
1st+0+0+0+2*see textChanneling 5th,
Metacreative Creation 1
+1 Manifester Level
2nd+1+0+0+3Enhanced Craft,
Item Creation
+1 Manifester Level
3rd+1+1+1+3-Channeling 6th,
Metacreative Creation 2
+1 Manifester Level
4th+2+1+1+4Enhanced Craft,
Item Creation
+1 Manifester Level
5th+2+1+1+4-Channeling 7th,
Metacreative Creation 3
6th+3+2+2+5Enhanced Craft,
Item Creation
+1 Manifester Level
7th+3+2+2+5-Channeling 8th,
Metacreative Creation 4
+1 Manifester Level
8th+4+2+2+6Enhanced Craft,
Item Creation
+1 Manifester Level
9th+4+3+3+6-Channeling 9th,
Metacreative Creation 5
+1 Manifester Level
10th+5+3+3+7Item Creation,
Song of the Crystal

Source: Web

Older Prestige class adapted to 3.5

Psion Prestige Classes