Instructions: Input the 2nd Edition Creature/Monster information into the form.
The Creature Converter will convert those values into 3rd edition equivalents and list existing 3rd edition creatures of the same type and size so you can choose your creature's 3rd edition abilities.
Note: The data on the official creatures only lists information taken from the Main Statistics Block of the listed source concerning the particular creature.
Beast and Shapechanger Types are no longer types in 3rd Edition. Choose an appropriate Type instead.
Creature Name
Aberration Animal Construct Dragon Elemental Fey Giant Humanoid Magical Beast Monstrous Humanoid Ooze Outsider Plant Undead Vermin
Air Aquatic Cold Earth Electricity Fire Chaotic Evil Good Lawful Water Reptilian Incorporeal Spirit - Oriental Adventures only. No Sub-type
6" or less 6" - 1' 1' - 2' 2' - 4' 4' - 8' 8' - 16' 16' - 32' 32' - 64' 64' or more
Number of Hit Dice
Armor Class OR Natural Armor Modifier Improved Initiative Feat?
Primary Natural Weapon None Slam or Tentacle Bite Claw or Sting Gore or Tail
Secondary Natural Weapon None Slam or Tentacle Bite Claw or Sting Gore or Tail
Weapon Finesse Feat? (creature uses Dexterity rather than Strength in melee attacks)
Magic Resistance? (Hit by silver or magic weapons only?)
Creature Finder
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