Specific Magic Armors
The following specific suits of armor usually are pre-constructed with exactly the qualities described here.
Adamantine Breastplate
This nonmagical breastplate is made of adamantine, giving it a natural +2 enhancement bonus.
CL -; Prerequisites: -; Market Price: 5,350 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Armor of Dragonshape
This suit of +3 dragoncraft hide armor grants its wearer resistance 5 against a specific type of energy, as appropriate to the dragon from whose scales it was crafted (acid for black, copper, or green; cold for silver or white; electricity for blue or bronze; or fire for brass, gold, or red). This resistance is treated as an extraordinary (and thus nonmagical) feature of the armor.
If the wearer has the wild shape ability, she may change into a Small or Medium dragon of the same color as the armor once per day, and may remain in that form for up to 7 hours. This change doesn't count against the character's normal limit of daily wild shape uses.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Dragoncrafter, wild shape ability; Price 23,165 gp; Cost 14,665 gp + 680 XP; Weight 25 lb.
Source: Draconomicon
Armor of Mobility
This suit of +2 leather armor grants its wearer the Mobility feat, even if he doesn't have the prerequisites.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat's grace; Price 16,160 gp; Cost 8,160 gp + 320 XP; Weight 15 lb.
Source: Draconomicon
Armor of the Unending Hunt
This mithral +2 chainmail armor was built by the elves for rangers on long-range patrols. In addition to its protective qualities, it provides the wearer with immunity to fatigue and exhaustion.
Moderate Abjuration; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, restoration; Price 21,500 gp; Cost 10,900 gp + 848 XP; Weight 20 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior
Armor of Transport
This +2 mithral breastplate is prized by quick-strike forces in battle. Once per day on command the wearer can use dimension door, as the spell.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimension door; Price 25,300 gp; Cost 12,900 gp + 976 XP.
Source: Heroes of Battle
Banded Mail of Luck
Ten 100-gp gems adorn this +3 banded mail. Once per week, the armor allows its wearer to require that an attack roll made against him be rerolled. He must take whatever consequences come from the second roll, since not all luck is good. The wearer's player must decide whether to have the attack roll rerolled before damage is rolled.
CL 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bless; Market Price: 18,900 gp; Cost to Create: 10,150 gp + 700 XP
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
This metal cap fits closely over the wearer's head (taking the head slot for magic items). The wearer gains a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against enchantment effects and immunity to psionic mind blast attacks.
Moderate abjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell immunity; Price 22,000 gp.
Source: Underdark
Breastplate of Command
This finely crafted +2 breastplate radiates a powerful aura of magic. When worn, the armor bestows a dignified and commanding aura upon ts owner. The wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Charisma checks, checks using skills for which Charisma is the key ability, and turning checks. Friendly troops within 360 feet of the user become braver than normal (for example more willing than normal to follow a leader into battle against dangerous foes). Since the effect arises in great part from the distinctiveness of the armor, the wearer cannot hide or conceal herself in any way and still have the effect function.
CL 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mass charm; Market Price: 21,600 gp; Cast to Create: 10,975 gp +850 XP.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Celestial Armor
This bright silver or gold +1 chainmail is so fine and light that it can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence. It has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, an armor check penalty of -2, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armor, and it allows the wearer to fly on command (as the spell) once per day.
CL 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be good; Market Price: 25,300 gp; Cost to Create: 12,800 gp + 1,000 XP.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Crimson Coat of Ilpharzz
Dyed a brilliant scarlet color, a crimson coat of Ilpharzz is a suit of +4 leather armor whose surface is embroidered with flame motifs in golden thread. As a free action, the wearer can command the armor to ignite three times per day, enveloping her in magical flames that give off light as a torch. The wearer is not harmed by these flames, gaining a +4 deflection bonus to Armor Class and fire resistance 15 while they last. Any creature attacking the wearer with a natural weapon or a melee weapon that is not a reach weapon takes 1d4 points of fire damage per attack. A crimson coat can burn for up to 1 minute at a time.
Moderate abjuration; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fire shield, resist energy, shield; Price 28,300 gp; Cost 14,230 gp + 1,125 XP.
Source: Complete Arcane
Demon Armor
This plate armor is fashioned to make the wearer appear to be a demon. The helmet is shaped to look like a horned demon head, and its wearer looks our of the open, tooth-filled mouth. This +4 full plate allows the wearer to make claw attacks that deal 1d10 (x2 critical) points of damage, strike as +1 weapons, and afflict the target as if she had been struck by a contagion spell (Fortitude negates DC 14). The "claws" are built into the armor's vambraces and gauntlets.
The armor bestows one negative level on any nonevil creature wearing it. This negative level persists as long as the armor is worn and disappears when the armor is removed. The negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the armor is worn.
CL 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, contagion; Market Price: 41,650 gp; Cost to Create: 21,650 gp + 1,600 XP
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Dragondodger Armor
This suit of +3 studded leather armor grants its wearer the evasion ability, but only against breath weapons. (When a breath weapon would not normally allow a Reflex save for half damage, the wearer of the armor takes no damage on a successful save.)
Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, aura of evasion; Price 15,675 gp; Cost 7,925 gp + 620 XP; Weight 20 lb.
Source: Draconomicon
Dragonrider Armor
This suit of +1 full plate armor crafted from the cast-off scales of a dragon (rather than those harvested from a slain dragon). It grants resistance 10 to form of energy associated with the dragon from whose scales it is created (acid, cold, electricity, or fire, as appropriate). It also grants its wearer a +5 bonus on Ride checks whenever riding a dragon, and activates a feather fall spell whenever the rider falls more than 5 feet.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, feather fall; Price 26,150 gp; Cost 13,400 gp + 1,000 XP; Weight 50 lb.
Source: Draconomicon
Dwarven Plate
This full plate is made of mithral. This armor has an arcane spell failure chance of 25%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +3, and an armor check penalty of -4. It is considered medium armor and weighs 25 pounds.
CL -; Prerequisites:-; Market Price: 10,500 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Elven Chain
This very light chainmail is made of very fine mithral links. Speed while wearing elven chain is 30 feet for Medium-size creatures, or 20 feet for Small. The armor has an arcane spell failure chance of 20%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +4, and an armor check penalty of -2. It is considered light armor and weighs 20 pounds.
CL -; Prerequisites: -; Market Price: 4,150 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Hooked Armor
This leather armor is festooned with multiple hooks and cleats. These gripping protrusions grant the wearer a +5 bonus on Climb checks. (Due to the armor's -2 armor check penalty, the effective bonus is +3.)
Source: Planar Handbook
Ice Armor of the Northlands
Ice armor of the northlands wreathes you in a supernatural icy mist that deals cold damage to nearby creatures. A DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (history) check provides the following information: Brynja Skjaldvor, the infamous frost giantess, crafted the first ice armor of the northlands for herself, jealously guarding the secret of its creation. With her fearsome warbands in tow she scourged the northlands, conquering settlement after settlement. The bards of the northlands sing forlorn tales of her cruelty, noting her ferociousness in battle and her legendary freezing armor.
This full plate armor is ice-blue and shrouded in frost. The interior is lined with thick fur. When worn, it exudes an extremely cold white mist. Donning the armor activates it.
Ice armor of the northlands is +1 full plate that wreathes you in a supernatural icy mist at all times that deals 2d6 points of cold damage each round to all creatures within 10 feet of you (if Large or larger) or to all creatures within 5 feet of you (if Medium or smaller). The armor deals the same damage to you each round.
Moderate evocation, CL 7th. Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fire shield, 30,650 gp, 2,240 XP, 6 days.
Variants: Fire giants have also realized the potential for this armor, and thus variants that wreathe the wearer in flames and deal fire damage instead of cold damage exist. Characters can resize Large armor to fit a Medium wearer by succeeding at a DC 20 Craft (armorsmithing) check. Weight: 100 lb. (Large) or 50 lb. (Medium). Price: 58,650 gp.
Source: Dragon #345
Mechanus Gear
This heavy armor is composed of multiple gears, cogs, plates, and other metal mechanical contraptions. It grants an armor bonus superior to all other armors, but it reduces the wearer's speed more than other types of heavy armor do.
Source: Planar Handbook
Mithralmist Shirt
Forged from a silver-white mithral alloy, a mithralmist shirt is a +2 mithral shirt that fills the wearer's square with a billowing silver mist on command. The mist grants the wearer concealment but does not interfere with his vision. The armor sheds silver mist for 1 minute per use, up to seven times per day. Finally, once per day, the wearer of this armor can assume gaseous form for up to 10 minutes.
Moderate abjuration; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, gaseous form, obscuring mist; Price 21,300 gp; Cost 11,200 gp + 808 XP.
Source: Magic Item Compendium
Mithral Shirt
This very light chain shirt is made of very fine mithral links. Speed while wearing a mithral shirt is 30 feet for Medium-size creatures, or 20 feet for Small. The armor has an arcane spell failure chance of 10%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +6, and no armor check penalty. It is still considered light armor. The shirt weighs 10 pounds.
CL -; Prerequisite: -; Market Price: 1,100 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Plate Armor of the Deep
This +1 full plate armor is decorated with a wave and fish motif. The wearer takes no pressure damage from being deep underwater and is treated as unarmored for purposes of Swim checks. The wearer can also breathe underwater and can converse with any creature that breathes water.
CL 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, freedom of movement, water breathing, tongues; Market Price: 16,650 gp; Cost to Create: 9,150 gp + 600XP.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Quaal's Surreptitious Armor of Expedience
Dark feathers and a rabbit's foot hanging near the waist adorn this mithral rune-etched chain shirt. Quaal learned the craft of magic late in his career, but he never lost the desire to draw his sword and enter the fray. To maximize his mobility and to cast spells in melee he crafted this piece of armor. This +4 twilight mobility mithral chain shirt (+8 armor bonus; armor check penalty of -1) completely negates its arcane spell failure chance. Mithral and the twilight ability of this armor reduces its armor check penalty to 0%, while the mobility ability grants you the benefit of the Mobility feat even if you do not meet the prerequisite. In addition, you gain the ability to cast fly and longstrider as spell-like abilities once each per day.
strong; (DC 21) transmutation, CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat's grace, fly, longstrider. 33,250 gp, 2,560 XP. Weight: 12.5 lb. Price: 65,250 gp.
Source: Dragon #359
Rhino Hide
This +2 hide armor is made from rhinoceros hide. In addition to granting a +2 enhancement AC bonus, it has a -1 armor check penalty and doubles all damage dealt by a charge attack made by the wearer.
CL 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, haste; Market Price: 5,165 gp; Cost to Create: 2,665 gp + 200 XP
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Sectioned Armor
The owner of this specially constructed masterwork full plate can remove several of the large plate sections from it, reducing it to medium or light armor, so that he or she can sleep more comfortably or move more freely while retaining some of the armor's defensive bonus.
Source: Planar Handbook
Shield Of The Sun
This +2 heavy steel shield has a highly polished concave reflective surface that contains a large golden gem at its center. Twice per day, on command, the gem can ignite a brilliant beam of sunlight, blinding the living and destroying the undead. This effect is equivalent to a sunbeam spell (caster level 13th).
Strong evocation CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sunbeam; Price 74,170 gp; Weight 15 lb.
Source: Dragon #342
Armor created with this special ability is so named because more than a few mind flayers have lost tentacles to its slashing blades. Such armor incorporates a special defense against creatures that attempt to grab or swallow the wearer. When an enemy attempts a grapple check against the wearer, razor-sharp blades spring out in all directions, dealing 2d6 points of slashing damage to the grappling creature. The blades instantly retract if the wearer is released; otherwise, they continue to deal 2d6 points of damage to the grappling creature each round on the wearer's turn. They also deal damage against any creature that has swallowed the wearer. Should the wearer die, the blades become inert.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price +2 bonus.
Source: Underdark
Corporeal undead armor appears somewhat like normal armor, in that it covers the body and provides protection from melee and ranged attacks. However, undead armor is magically crafted from the essence of various kinds of undead. This grants some undead armor special qualities, such as damage reduction or more exotic abilities, depending on the sort of undead creature from which the armor was crafted. Incorporeal undead armor is even stranger, in that it grants a deflection bonus instead of an armor bonus (since it is comprised of an incorporeal undead creature).
Necromantic residue of the undead from which the armor was crafted remains present in the armor. It is sometimes possible to easily determine the kind of undead from which the armor was crafted (for instance, exoskeleton armor). However, not enough residue of the original undead remains for the armor to be treated as an actual undead creature (so undead armor can't be turned).
Each of these suits of armor is a specific armor enhanced by magic and the necromantic energies of the undead used in its creation. Anyone can wear undead armor, although those with the appropriate armor proficiency gain the most benefit. To construct undead armor, a crafter needs, at minimum, to have the Craft Arms and Armor Feat and 5 ranks in the Knowledge (religion) skill.
This armor is prepared from an undead skeleton. The armor essentially covers your upper body with a rib structure, providing protection equal to that of a +2 breastplate and granting damage reduction 5/bludgeoning.
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, animate dead; Price 49,500 gp; Weight 30 lb.
Source: Libris Mortis
Ghost Shroud
A ghost shroud appears as a winding cloth in which the body is wrapped, as if for burial. The shroud sometimes appears, appropriately enough, ghostly and partially translucent. A ghost shroud precludes wearing any other kind of armor. A ghost shroud grants a +4 deflection bonus and allows its wearer to make all attacks as if with a ghost touch weapon or effect.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, create undead; Price 35,000 gp; Weight -
Source: Libris Mortis
Ghoul Shell
A suit of ghoul shell armor consists of shaped and fitted sections of ghoul hide sewn and interlocked to cover the entire body, save for head, hands, and feet. Necromantic residue remaining in the ghoul shell keeps the armor pliant and responsive. This suit of +3 leather armor allows its wearer to make up to three ghoul touch attacks per day, Fortitude DC 15.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, create undead; Price 35,230 gp; Weight 15 lb.
Source: Libris Mortis
Shadow Veil
A shadow veil appears as a indistinct, enveloping covering. A shadow veil precludes wearing any other kind of armor. A shadow veil grants a +2 deflection bonus. Someone wearing a shadow veil is hard to distinguish in shadow, and is treated as if having concealment (20% miss chance) against creatures without darkvision, blindsight, or other sensory apparatus that does not rely on light.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, create undead; Price 10,000 gp; Weight -.
Source: Libris Mortis
Vampire Hide
This armor is prepared from a single layer of vampire skin. Necromantic residue remaining in the vampire hide keeps the armor pliant and responsive. In addition to providing the protective qualities of +3 studded leather, vampire hide grants the wearer damage reduction 5/silver and magic.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, create undead; Price 63,325 gp; Weight 20 lb.
Source: Libris Mortis
Zombie Hide
This armor is prepared from a single layer of zombie hide. While stiff, the joints provide some flexibility. This +1 hide armor grants the wearer damage reduction 5/slashing.
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, animate dead; Price 46,315 gp; Weight 25 lb.
Source: Libris Mortis
Specific Shields
The following specific shields usually are preconstructed with exactly the qualities described here.
Absorbing Shield
This +1 large steel shield is flat black in color and seems to absorb light. Every other day, it can be commanded to absorb a single Large or smaller object or creature that touches its front, annihilating the thing that touches it as a sphere of annihilation does. A successful touch attack in combat is all that's needed to absorb a target. The shield therefore can deliver devastating shield bashes, but it is also useful for destroying an opponent's weapon.
CL 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, disintegrate; Market Price: 50,170 gp; Cost to Create: 25,170 gp + 2,000 XP.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Adamantine Shield
This large nonmagical shield is made from adamantine, giving it a natural +1 enhancement bonus.
CL -; Prerequisites: -; Market Price: 2,170 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Bulwark of Antimagic
Once per day, the wielder of this +1 tower shield can command it to radiate an antimagic field.
Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, antimagic field; Price 27,580 gp; Cost 14,380 gp + 575 XP; Weight 65 lb.
Source: Draconomicon
Caster's Shield
This +1 small wooden shield has a small leather strip on the back on which a spellcaster can scribe a single spell as on a scroll. A spell so scribed has only half the normal materials cost. (Experience point and component costs remain the same.) The user can cast the spell scribed on the back of the shield with no chance of arcane spell failure due to the shield.
A random caster's shield has a 50% chance of having a single medium scroll spell on it. The spell is divine (01-80 on d%) or arcane (81-100).
CL 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Scribe Scroll, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 3,153 gp (plus the value of the scroll spell if one is currently scribed); Cost to Create: 1,653 gp + 120 XP.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Darkwood Shield
This large nonmagical wooden shield is made out of darkwood. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It weighs 5 pounds and has no armor check penalty
CL -; Prerequisites: -; Market Price: 257 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Lion's Shield
This +2 large steel shield is fashioned to appear to be a roaring lion's head. Three times per day, the lion's head can be commanded to attack (independently of the shield wearer), biting with the wielder's base attack bonus (including multiple attacks, if the wielder has them) and dealing 2d6 points of damage (x2 critical). This attack is in addition to any actions performed by the wielder.
CL 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon nature's ally IV, Market Price: 9,170 gp; Cost to Create: 4,670 gp + 360XP.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Mithral Large Shield
This very light large shield is made of mithral. It has a 5% arcane spell failure chance and no armor check penalty. It weighs 5 pounds.
CL -; Prerequisite:-; Market Price: 1,020 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Overhead Shield
This +2 large steel shield can provide nearly complete protection against attacks originating from above. Once per day the bearer of an overhead shield can raise it skyward and command a horizontal wall of force into existence. The wall of force has a 20-foot radius and hovers 5 feet above the wielder, remaining above her as she moves. It blocks all attacks from above, including catapult attacks and indirect volley fire. The wall of force lasts as long as the wielder concentrates, up to a maximum of 10 rounds. The bearer must also keep her shield arm raised while the wall is active, so she gains no benefit to AC from her shield while the wall of force is present.
Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, wall of force; Price 24,170 gp; Cost 12,170 gp + 480 XP.
Source: Magic Item Compendium
Shield of the Winged Crusade
Devised by notable members of the swift wing prestige class, a shield of the winged crusade provides protection in melee combat and against area attacks such as a dragon's breath weapon.
Shields of the winged crusade are heavy shields of dull red metal. Their design has a scaly appearance. A split second before a shield's translocation effect activates, it emits a harsh buzzing sound, which fades a second or two after the translocation is complete.
The shield's +1 enhancement bonus to Armor Class is always active. Once per day, the wearer can use its translocation effect as an immediate action. A shield of the winged crusade is a +1 heavy steel shield that can save its wearer from an area attack. A wearer who is within the area of an instantaneous-duration effect that shows a Reflex save to reduce its effect (such as a fireball spell or a breath weapon) can activate the shield's translocation effect. By doing so, he instantaneously moves 10 feet in any direction of his choosing. If the movement takes him beyond the boundary of the area attack, he doesn't need to attempt the Reflex save.
Moderate abjuration; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimension door, 1,670 gp, 120 XP, 3 days; Weight: 15 lb; Price: 3,170 gp.
Source: Dragon Magic
Spined Shield
This +1 large steel shield is covered in spines. It acts as a normal spiked shield. On command up to three times per day the shield's wearer can fire one of the shield's spines. A fired spine has a +1 enhancement bonus, a range increment of 120 feet, and deals 1d10 points of damage (19-20/X2 critical). Fired spines regenerate each day
CL 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic missile; Market Price: 2,670 gp; Cost to Create: 1,420 gp + 100 XP.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
The Spiteful Imp
Forged in the shape of an imp's face grinning with malicious glee, this object is a +4 animated buckler that can be commanded as a standard action to spit burning venom once per day. The venomous spittle is a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet that deals 1d4+6 points of fire damage, 1d10 points of Constitution damage, and another 1d10 points of Constitution damage 1 minute later (each instance of Constitution damage can be negated by a DC 17 Fortitude save). The spiteful imp also possesses the unusual tendency to titter in evil mirth whenever it deflects an opponent's weapon, a disquieting but harmless quality.
Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects, poison, produce flame; Price 46,245 gp.
Source: Complete Arcane
Wight Shield
A wight shield is a +1 light steel shield covered in the undead hide of a wight. You can bash an opponent with a wight shield, using it as an off-hand weapon. Used this way, a wight shield is a martial bludgeoning weapon. For the purpose of penalties on attack rolls, treat a wight shield as a light weapon. If you use your shield as a weapon, you lose its Armor Class bonus until your next action (usually until the next round). An enhancement bonus on a shield does not improve the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it.
When you successfully deal damage to a living creature with a wight shield bash, the creature must make Fortitude save DC 14 or gain a negative level.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, create undead; Price 16,309 gp; Weight 6 lb.
Source: Libris Mortis
Winged Shield
This round, large wooden shield has a +3 enhancement bonus. Small, feathered wings encircle the shield. Once per day it can be commanded to fly (as the spell), carrying the wielder. The shield can fly up to 2 hours and carry 400 pounds while doing so.
CL 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fly; Market Price: 15,159 gp; Cost to Create: 7,6S9 gp + 600 XP.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5
Wrapped Tower
A wrapped tower is a +2 tower shield wrapped in the funerary wrappings of an undead mummy. Once per day, the wielder can use the wrapped tower for total cover and the mere sight of the mummylike facade requires all viewers in front of the shield to succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be paralyzed with fear for 1d4 rounds.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, create undead; Price 6,330 gp; Weight 45 lb.
Source: Libris Mortis
Faerûn Armor & Shields
Although many places in Faerûn are famous for their magic weapons, some sorts of magic armors have achieved notoriety as well. The following specific armors usually are preconstructed with exactly the qualities described here.
Bracers of Striking
The wearer of bracers of striking is considered armed even when unarmed (as if he had the Improved Unarmed Strike feat).
The bracers may be modified with special weapon abilities as if they were a blunt weapon (though they count as a double weapon, so double the cost of any ability).
CL Three times the magical bonus (minimum 5-th level) Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic fang or magic weapon, plus any needed for additional special powers; Market Price: 1,310 gp plus an additional amount determined by the total bonus of the bracers; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn
Bracers of the Blinding Strike
These bracers of armor +6 give the wearer the benefits of the Improved Initiative feat and allow him an extra attack every round at his highest bonus as if he were using a speed weapon.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, haste, mage armor; Market Price: 102,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn
Calishite Mail
This +1 cooling chainmail is much sought after along the shores of the Shining Sea, particularly in the vicinity of the Calim Desert, where the extreme temperature effectively prevents the wearing of most types of armor.
Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, endure elements; Market Price: 3,840 gp; Cost to Create: 2,070 gp + 166 XP.
Source: Races of Faerûn
Captain Aerad's Shield
Once wielded by a legendary dwarf hero of Ammarindar, this shield is currently believed to rest in Hellgate Keep. Legends say that Captain Aerad's shield could shatter any weapon that struck it, but in fact it is merely a +3 heavy steel shield. Its legendary weapon-breaking prowess was a function of the crude bronze weapons that Aerad's foes wielded against him, not of powerful magic.
Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be 9th level; Price 9,170 gp; Cost 4,670 gp + 360 XP; Weight 25 lb.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn
Cormyrian Greatshield
These +1 arrow deflection large steel shields are popular among those who hunt evil humanoids in the Storm Horns. They are easily recognizable by the insignia of a purple dragon standing upon a broken arrow.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield; Market Price: 9,170 gp; Cost to Create: 4,670 gp + 360 XP.
Source: Magic of Faerûn
Dragonheart Armor
Worn by one of the last kings of Ammarindar, this dwarf-sized suit of armor is +1 red dragonhide scale mail. In addition to its normal protective properties, it bestows resistance to fire 10 upon its wearer.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resist energy; Price 25,400 gp; Cost 12,900 gp + 1,000 XP; Weight 30 lb.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn
This +1 dendritic armor is fashioned by urdunnir dwarves, who can simply stone walk into and out of the living crystal armor whenever they don't need to wear it. Others must succeed on a Strength check (DC 22) to break out of the armor. If even part of the earthskin survives damage, however, it regrows in 8 hours.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Market Price: 3,150 gp; Cost to Create: 2,650 gp + 40 XP.
Source: Races of Faerûn
Flying Hunt Armor
This dull gray armor made of glassteel is granted to every new member of the Knights of the Flying Hunt on Nimbral for as long as they are considered Novice Knights. It provides magical protection from blows and also grants a soft landing if the wearer falls from the saddle while flying.
Lore: This armor cannot usually be purchased; only the Nimbral Lords and certain powerful mages from Halruaa know the secrets of its manufacture, and the Nimbral Lords typically magically attune the armor to its designated wearer, making it useless to anyone else. (Knowledge [arcana] DC 15)
Description: Flying hunt armor is full plate armor crafted from glassteel, but it is tinted a dull gray color and does not glow, as does storm armor.
Prerequisite: Only characters with at least one level in the Knight of the Flying Hunt prestige class are granted the use of this practice armor.
Effect: Flying hunt armor is +1 glassteel full plate armor. The armor also functions as a ring of featherfalling.
Aura/Caster Level: Faint abjuration; CL 5th.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, featherfall, 12,550 gp, 160 XP, 4 days.
Weight: 25 lb.
Price: 14,050 gp (but see Lore, above).
Source: Champions of Valor
Laeral's Spell Shield
Named for Laeral Silverhand Arunsun, who created the first shield of this type, this +1 large steel shield gives the wielder spell resistance 17 against all spells with the force descriptor.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield, wall of force, spell resistance; Market Price: 9,170 gp; Cost to Create: 4,670 gp + 360 XP
Source: Magic of Faerûn
Laeral's Storm Armor
This +2 fire and lightning resistance full plate armor is made of a nonmetallic material (rumored to be native to another plane) that does not conduct electricity. The wearer is never hindered or moved against her will by strong winds.
Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, gust of wind, resist elements, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 66,610 gp; Cost to Create: 34,110 gp + 2,600 XP.
Source: Magic of Faerûn
Roaring Armor of Ammarindar
These twelve sets of +2 breastplate are decorated with silver elven runes on the front and are carved with a bear or dragon head on the back. Any nonmagical arrow, bolt, sling bullet, or similar missile that strikes the wearer of the armor for 10 or fewer points of damage is automatically turned back by the armor to strike at the creature that fired it (the damage is re-rolled against the attacker and the wearer suffers no damage from the attack). Because the bear or dragon head on the armor roars whenever danger approaches from the rear, the wearer gains the uncanny dodge ability of a 6th-level rogue (he retains his Dex bonus to AC even when flat-footed or struck by an invisible attack, and cannot be flanked except by a rogue of at least 10th level). All twelve of these breastplates are believed to be in the hands of the tanarukks of Hellgate Keep, who plundered them from Ammarindar.
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: raft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from arrows, true seeing, Market Price: 49,350 gp; Cost to Create 24,850 gp + 1,960 XP.
Source: Races of Faerûn
Shield of Vigilance
This +1 bashing shock large steel shield bears the upright gauntlet symbol of Torm. Many items of its kind exist, and they are greatly prized by the followers of Torm. Rumors exist of a more powerful version of the shield that reflects all electricity attacks back upon their source.
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, call lightning or lightning bolt; Market Price: 9,170 gp; Cost to Create: 4,670 gp + 360 XP; Weight: 11 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn
Spirit Shield
Another Rashemaar enchanted item, a spirit shield functions as a shield +2, provides its bearer with a +2 to all saving throws, and reduces all attacks on the bearer by 1 point of damage each. The witches claim that the shield's powers arise from the powerful spirits bound to it.[br /]XP Value: 1,500
Source: Spellbound
Storm Armor
When a member of the Knights of the Flying Hunt attains full Knighthood (gains three levels in the prestige class), the Nimbral Lords bestow upon that character a suit of this famous glowing glass armor of legend.
Lore: This armor cannot usually be purchased; only the Nimbral Lords and certain powerful mages from Halruaa know the secrets of its manufacture, and the Nimbral Lords typically magically attune the armor to its designated wearer, making it useless to anyone else. (Knowledge [arcana] DC 15)
Description: Storm armor is full plate armor crafted from glassteel that has further been enhanced to glow brightly in various hues of the rainbow, the shades of which are controlled by the wearer. They gain brightness as the wearer's rage or excitement increases, and they become dimmer as consciousness or physical vitality fails.
Prerequisite: Only characters with at least three levels in the Knight of the Flying Hunt prestige class are granted the use of this legendary armor. Effect: Storm armor is +1 glassteel full plate armor of invulnerability and electricity resistance. The armor also functions as a ring of featherfalling.
Aura/Caster Level: Moderate abjuration. CL 9th.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, feather fall, dancing lights, 29,150 gp, 1,480 XP, 37 days.
Variants: Faithful service and outstanding performance by a Knight of the Flying Hunt can earn him the rank of Commander (ten levels of the prestige class) and more magic augmentations to his storm armor, making it greater storm armor. See the Knight of the Flying Hunt prestige class for details. Weight: 25 lb.
Price: 47,650 gp (but see Lore, above).
Source: Champions of Valor
Storm Armor of the Earth's Children
This +1 cold, fire, and lightning resistance full plate armor only resizes to fit dwarves, gnomes, or halflings.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisite: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resist elements, creator must be a dwarf, gnome, or halfling; Market Price: 111,610 gp; Cost to Create: 56,610 gp + 4,400 XP.
Source: Magic of Faerûn
Witch Shield
Created by the Rashemaar witches and used by their warriors in battle, a witch shield functions as a shield +2, allows its bearer to go berserk at will (even if the user is not a berserker), and provides immunity to charm, dominate, hold person, and sleep spells.[br /]XP Value: 2,500
Source: Spellbound
Specific Armor of the Underdark
Some special suits of armor are often manufactured in the Underdark.
Cortical Armor
This +1 halfweight illithidwrought full plate armor is formed from articulated plates of leaf-thin, mucous-coated steel. (Illithidwrought armor grants a psionic wearer an additional +2 insight bonus to Armor Class, so cortical armor functions as +3 full plate armor when worn by such a creature. When worn by a nonpsionic creature, it functions as +2 full plate armor.) The wearer is also continuously protected by a mind blank effect (caster level 15th).
Strong varied; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, mind blank, psionic creature; Price 146,650 gp; Cost 74,150 gp + 5,800 XP.
Source: Underdark
Death Armor (Drow)
This +3 glamered shadow slick silent drowcraft spiked leather armor is legendary. While wearing it, an Underdark assassin can complete his mission under almost any conditions and in any guise. In addition to its other properties, it allows the wearer to use greater invisibility (caster level 8th) on himself once per day, as a standard action.
Strong varied; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, contingency, disintegrate, greater invisibility, drow; Price 75,730 gp; Cost 37,970 gp + 3,021 XP.
Source: Underdark
Exoarmor (Illithid)
This +2 illithidwrought full plate armor is composed of bulky, reinforced metallic plates and braces interwoven between thin metallic layers that give the wearer a carapaced look. (Illithidwrought armor grants a psionic wearer an additional +2 insight bonus to Armor Class, so exoarmor functions as +4 full plate armor when worn by a psionic creature. When worn by a nonpsionic creature, it functions as +3 full plate armor.) Exoarmor also grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution.
Moderate divination and transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, bear's endurance, psionic creature; Price 81,650 gp; Cost 41,650 gp + 3,200 XP.
Source: Underdark
Specific Armors of the Wild
Elves, halflings, and raptorans are adept at crafting armors precisely suited to life in the wilds.
Bearskin Armor
A favorite of many elf fighters and barbarians, this +5 breastplate has an outer layer of shaggy brown or black fur. The wearer can use bear's endurance on himself once a day. The armor also gives the wearer a +2 competence bonus on grapple checks.
For up to 10 rounds a day, the wearer gains the scent special quality. Activating this effect is a free action; the rounds when this effect is in use need not be continuous.
As a free action, the wearer can cause the armor to sprout a pair of claws (dealing 1d6 points of damage for a Medium wearer, or 1d4 for a Small one). When using the claws, the wearer's natural reach increases by 5 feet. The wearer can attack with both claws as though they were natural weapons. With the full attack action, he can use both claws at his full attack bonus, provided he does not attack with any other weapons during his full attack. When using this option, the wearer does not get extra attacks due to a high base attack bonus. Alternatively, the wearer can use a single claw to make an attack as a natural secondary weapon (-5 on the attack roll, no effect on the wearer's other attacks). The character cannot use the claw as a natural secondary attack if he already has made an off-hand attack, or vice versa. The wearer can use the claws for up to 10 rounds a day, and those rounds need not be continuous.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bear's endurance, polymorph or wild shape ability; Price 38,550 gp; Cost 19,450 gp + 1,528 XP.
Source: Races of the Wild
Foxhide Armor
This +2 leather armor has an outer layer covered with red-gold or gray fur with white trim. The armor wearer can use fox's cunning on herself once a day. The armor also gives the wearer a +2 competence bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
For up to 10 rounds a day, the wearer gains the scent special quality. Activating this effect is a free action; the rounds when this effect is in use need not be continuous.
Once per day, the wearer can use pass without trace on herself; while the spell is in effect, the wearer also gains the woodland stride ability.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fox's cunning, pass without trace, polymorph or wild shape ability; Price 18,960 gp; Cost 9,560 gp + 752 XP.
Source: Races of the Wild
Hawkfeather Armor
This +3 studded leather armor is popular with halfling and elf rogues and bards. It has an outer layer covered with golden feathers. The armor wearer can use eagle's splendor on himself once a day. The wearer gains a +8 competence bonus on Spot checks while wearing the armor.
For up to 10 rounds a day, the wearer can sprout wings and fly at a speed of 60 feet (good), provided he carries no more than a light load. Activating this effect is a free action; the rounds in which this effect is in use need not be continuous.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, eagle's splendor, polymorph or wild shape ability; Price 28,775 gp; Cost 14,475 gp + 1,144 XP.
Source: Races of the Wild
Owlfeather Armor
This +1 leather armor is popular with folk who wish to spend time with the raptorans. The armor has an outer layer covered with gray feathers speckled with black. The armor wearer can use owl's wisdom on herself once a day. The wearer gains a +8 competence bonus on Spot checks made in areas of shadowy illumination. The wearer also receives a +4 competence bonus on listen and Move Silently checks.
For up to 10 rounds a day, the wearer can sprout wings and fly at a speed of 40 feet (good), provided she carries no more than a light load. Activating this effect is a free action; the rounds in which this effect is in use need not be continuous.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, owl's wisdom, polymorph or wild shape ability; Price 20,175 gp; Cost 10,525 gp + 828 XP.
Source: Races of the Wild
Tigerskin Armor
This +4 chain shirt is popular with elf rangers. It has an outer layer of striped fur The armor wearer can use cat's grace on herself once a day. The armor also gives the wearer a +2 competence bonus on Hide checks. In areas of tall grass or undergrowth, the Hide bonus increases to +4; the wearer also receives a +2 competence bonus on Climb, Jump, and Swim checks. In each case, the armor's armor check penalty applies normally.
For up to 10 rounds a day, the wearer gains the scent special quality. Activating this effect is a free action; the rounds when this effect is in use need not be continuous.
As a free action, the wearer can cause the armor to sprout a pair of claws (dealing 1d4 points of damage for a Medium wearer, or 1d3 for a Small one). The wearer can attack with both claws as though they were natural weapons. With the full attack action, she can use both claws at her full attack bonus, provided she does not attack with any other weapons during her full attack. When using this option, the wearer does not get extra attacks due to a high base attack bonus. Alternatively, the wearer can use a single claw to make an attack as a natural secondary weapon (-5 on the attack roll, no effect on the wearer's other attacks). The character cannot use the claw as a natural secondary attack if he already has made an off-hand attack, or vice versa. The wearer can use the claws for up to 10 rounds a day, and those rounds need not be continuous. If the wearer of tigerskin armor charges a foe while using the claws, she can make a full attack against the foe (clawing twice at her full attack bonus).
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat's grace, polymorph or wild shape ability; Price 33,150 gp; Cost 6,750 gp + 1,312 XP.
Source: Races of the Wild
Specific Armors of the Sea
The following specific suits of armor usually are preconstructed with the exact qualities described here.
Electric Eel Hide
This suit of +2 buoyant slick hide armor is black and slimy looking. Opponents that hit the wearer with natural weapons, unarmed attacks, or weapons composed mostly of metal (such as a sword or pick, but not a wooden-hafted spear) take 1d6 points of electricity damage. In addition, three times per day, on command, the wearer can deal 5d6 points of electricity damage by making a melee touch attack. Underwater, the wearer can instead spend a daily use to produce an electrified burst with a 5-foot radius. All creatures within this area other than the wearer take 2d6 points of electricity damage.
Moderate conjuration, evocation, and transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, freedom of movement, grease, shocking grasp; Price 23,015 gp; Cost 11,590 gp + 914 XP.
Source: Stormwrack
Windrunner's Shirt
This +1 mithral shirt seems to ripple and flash like sunlight on running water. On command, the wearer can extrude saillike membranes that reach from wrist to knee. By spreading her arms, the wearer causes these sails to fill with air and push her along the surface water with the speed of a small sailcraft in a moderate wind. (The wearer can choose to take advantage of existing winds instead.) The wearer can use this ability for up to 1 hour each day. The duration of the effect need not be consecutive.
Moderate conjuration, evocation, and transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, favorable wind, minor creation, water walk; Price 20,820 gp; Cost 10,960 gp+ 789 XP.
Source: Stormwrack
Specific Armors of Vileness and Evil
The following armors have served more than one evil champion since the day they were forged.
Armor of the Dread Emperor
This suit of +1 full plate has four 5-foot chains connected to it at the waist. Each chain has a ring manacle sized to fit around a humanoid neck. If people are placed in these manacles by either the armor's wearer or his minions, the armor is ready to display its true power. Whenever the wearer takes damage, the captives held by the chains take half the damage themselves. If the chains hold more than one person, divide the half damage among all of them. Operating in this armor with chains attached to other people is difficult. The wearer takes an additional -5 armor check penalty unless the victims are somehow magically subdued or controlled, such as by stupor or dominate person. If the captives are children, the additional armor check penalty is only -2. If the captives are subdued or controlled children, there is no additional armor check penalty.
CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield other; Market Price:14,650 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness
Fleshshifter Armor
Made from the skins of humanoids, this +1 leather armor allows the wearer to produce an effect identical to that of the alter self spell at will.
CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, alter self; Market Price: 13,160 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness
Grim Defender
Once per day, the wearer of this +1 breastplate can transfer the damage dealt to him from a melee attack to another creature, other than the attacker, within 100 feet. If the other creature succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC 16), the creature takes no damage and the wearer of the grim defender armor takes double damage.
CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield other; Market Price: 1,350 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness
This dark, red-veined armor can sheath its wearer in a protective fiery aura.
Lore: A DC 20 bardic knowledge check reveals that an abishai armorsmith named Nirzayal crafted the first suit to bear the name Hellsteel, but other similar suits. have appeared since, and not all of them crafted in the fiery pits of the Nine Hells. A DC 30 bardic knowledge or Gather Information check reveals that a vengeance knight named Cordelia Flametongue possesses one such suit.
This suit of black full plate armor is made from the scales of a remorhaz tempered in the fires of the Nine Hells. Red, marblelike veins run through it. Activating the armor's fire shield ability is a free action. The fire shield ability functions only if the wearer is evil. Hellsteel is a suit of +3 full plate that grants its wearer resistance to fire 5. Upon speaking a command word, the wearer can use a warm fire shield once per day. Any creature other than the wearer that touches the armor for a full round (such as by grappling or being grappled by the wearer) takes 1d6 points of fire damage per round as the metal sears its flesh. Moderate evocation CL 10th. Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fire shield, resist elements, +12,825 gp, +1,026 XP, +12 days; Weight: 50 lb; Price: 25,650 gp.
Source: Champions of Ruin
Razor Armor
Made of layers and layers of razor-sharp scales, this +2 scale armor deals 2d6 points of slashing damage with a successful grapple check and when the wearer is grappling. The wearer is considered proficient with the razors. Once per day, the wearer can spend a standard action to launch up to six of the razor scales, which fly out from the armor like +1 shuriken.
CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic weapon; Market Price: 5,600 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness
Armors of the Orient
Celestial Tessen
This +1 tessen of blinding can create a ray of searing light once per day in addition to its blinding ability
CL: 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, searing light; Market Price: 14,962 gp; Cost to Create: 7,562 + 296 XP.
Source: Oriental Adventures
Devata Armor
This bright silver or gold +1 chain mail is so fine and light that it can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence. It can also be worn under a chaharama or with dastana. It has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, an armor check penalty of-2, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armor, and it allows the wearer to fly on command (as the spell) once per day.
CL: 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be good; Market Price: 25,300 gp; Cost to Create: 12,800 gp + 1,000 XP.
Source: Oriental Adventures
Oni Armor
This great armor is fashioned to make the wearer appear like an oni. The helmet is shaped to resemble a horned oni's head, while the mempo (face mask) carries a hideous demonic visage. This +4 great armor allows the wearer to make claw attacks that deal 1d10 points of damage, strike as +1 weapons, and increase the target's Taint score by 1. The 'claws' are built into the armor's kote.
The armor bestows one negative level on any untainted creature wearing it. This negative level persists as long as the armor is worn and disappears when the armor is removed. The negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the armor is worn.
Caster Level: 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cloud of Taint; Market Price: 42,350 gp; Cost to Create: 22,350 gp + 1,600 XP.
Source: Oriental Adventures
Shaman's Bones
This +2 bone armor has a protective spirit bound to it. It grants the wearer a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
CL: 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resistance, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 12,170 gp; Cost to Create: 6,170 gp + 240 XP.
Source: Oriental Adventures