Prairie Runner - General Prestige Class

This is a general Prestige class that may be applicable to the Forgotten Realms Campaign

The prairie grass sways in the wind like water in the tide, with nothing around for miles and miles to stop the breeze. In the distance, a tiny figure can be seen running through the grass with a steady, graceful purpose. Her feet barely touch the ground, and her eyes are fixed on the horizon, taking in everything around her but also shutting everything out. For the prairie runner, nothing matters except for a steady stride, the rhythm of her breath, and the serenity of her mind. She is chasing after an elusive state of being called "the Run."

Nomadic halfling family groups sometimes travel great distances, journeying them far from other clans. Although most clans stick to tried-and-true patterns, some strike out into new territory. Over the centuries, a special group of halflings has developed, and it is this group, more than any other, that allows the far-ranging halfling clans to maintain contact with one another and scout dangerous terrain; members of this special group are called prairie runners. These halflings have an innate sense that allows them to find the best paths to take. They also have been blessed with amazing speed and stamina, which helps them make long, arduous journeys quickly and easily. Prairie runners are sent out as scouts and trailblazers, finding suitable campsites, water sources, and hunting grounds for the clan.

Prairie runners are also used as messengers between the far-flung clans, carrying messages when magic fails or the assurance of a fellow halfling is necessary to maintain relations. Because of this, many prairie runners train in diplomacy. The sight of an approaching prairie runner is a cause of celebration for a clan, because she is full of news, gossip, and vital information of all kinds. Other than food and a place to rest, prairie runners rarely ask for payment for their services, but small tokens of appreciation are accepted. Because they must travel lightly, prairie runners must be diplomatic when a clan leader gives them a heavy or bulky gift, doing their best to show their appreciation for the gift, but also politely declining.

Prairie runners almost never wear armor heavier than leather, and they carry only light weapons. They do their best to avoid combat, relying on their speed and agility to get them out of danger. If a prairie runner has no choice, she stays on the move, sprinting and dodging gracefully with each strike.

Instead of relying on steeds, which can sicken, become injured, or die out in the wilderness, prairie runners have become superb long-distance runners. Prairie runners become obsessed with the Run - a transcendental state of being in which they lose any sense of self. When a prairie runner enters this trance, she becomes incredibly attuned to her body, falling into a steady rhythm that allows her to run for hours and hours without food, water, or rest. She becomes faster and faster as she runs, until she becomes almost a blur. Over time, an experienced prairie runner learns how to pass along some of her stamina and endurance to others, allowing them to move almost as quickly with her through the wilderness.

Rangers and druids are the most common classes to become prairie runners, as they are used to the hardships of the wilderness and do not mind acting alone. Fighters who pack lightly sometimes become prairie runners, as well as some monks, who find a spiritual purity in the Run. A few barbarians become prairie runners, although it takes special discipline to balance the serenity of the Run and the barbarian rage. Clerics of Fharlanghn are the most likely clerics to become prairie runners. Wizards, sorcerers, rogues, and bards are almost never drawn to this path - wizards and sorcerers usually lack the physical stamina, and rogues and bards often become bored by the loneliness of the wilds.

Hit Die: d8

To qualify to become a Prairie Runner, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

Prairie Runner Details

From: Dragon #292

Older Prestige class adapted to 3.5

All the Prestige Classes material is © Hasbro 2003, 2004 and used without their permission - so make them happy and buy the book.