Ghost Traits (Ghostwalk Campaign only)

Although ghosts do not need to breathe, eat, or do most other things that living beings do, every ghost has an unusual attachment to one aspect of its former life. Ghosts feel strange urges to eat food they enjoyed when living, to visit people or places they knew in life, or to engage in the same recreational activities they did when living. These urges are not magically induced and are not a curse or a disease that can be removed with magic (although a calm emotions spell suppresses the urge for the duration), but simply an extension and exaggeration of part of the ghost's actual life. These urges, called ghost traits by the people of Manifest, usually take the following forms.

A ghost who does not indulge its trait at least once a week takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skill and ability checks. Upon indulging the trait, this penalty goes away and does not return until the ghost has gone without for another full week. A trait does not keep a ghost from being subject to the Calling, and in fact, if the ghost avoids indulging his need for more than 1 month, he must make a Wisdom check every day (DC 15 + number of weeks spent avoiding the need + ghost's number of levels in the eidolon class) or immediately succumb to the Calling.

A person who shifts between being a living person and a ghost (as some adventurers do) usually, but not always, ends up with the same trait he had the last time he was a ghost. When a ghost's trait changes, it is usually because the manner of death was closely associated with the ghost's previous trait. For example, a former ghost who had the oral trait or hunger trait that is killed by being swallowed whole by a monster probably would have a different trait upon becoming a ghost, and a former ghost who had the ocular trait might return as a ghost with a different trait after being killed by a medusa.

A ghost's trait should be chosen by the Dungeon Master to reflect something in the creature's life or nature. Rarely is a ghost's trait something repulsive to it or against its moral character. For example, a good cleric is not likely to gain a scent trait for rotting meat, and a teetotaler paladin is not likely to gain a thirst trait for strong wine.

Eidolon Class
Eidoloncer Class
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